ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 44

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ʟᴜᴄʏ's ᴘᴏᴠ: (sᴛᴇᴘ-ʙᴀɴsʜᴇᴇ)

I watch as the brat's boyfriend goes inside. The cashier girl touching him but he seemed to have said something in her ear, making her back off.

Since the car was parked infront of the shop but a bit on the side, I could see everything going on but not clearly enough.

"Are you pregnant?" I ask the brat sitting in the passenger seat, which also happens to be my step daughter. "Why do you ask that" she groans, massaging her forehead with her index and middle finger.

"He can't possibly like you. So you are either pregnant or he is using you"

"Do you ever stop?"

"Didn't you see the cashier touching your boyfriend right now?" I try to get something out of her.

"I know, he is pretty hot, even I would touch him" she says calmly, closing her eyes. Bitch.

Just then the driver's door opens "It will be ready in a bit so we need to wait" he says, sitting in.

He looks at me then turn towards her...saying something in italian. I heard parts of him saying 'perché mi sta fissando?' But have no clue what that means.

(Translation: why is she staring at me)

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"She thinks I'm pregnant" I say, not really caring that the step banshee can hear me. "You know I can tell when you talk about me, say it to my face slut"

I turn around, facing her. Looking at her dead in the eye "I don't like you, in fact I hate you. You are a total bitch and a slut and you are annoying." I say as she looks at me in horror, offended.

I mean she is the one who told me to say it to her face.

"Was there a bathroom inside?" I ask, facing Vincenzo. He nods, leaving his phone. "Do you want me to show you?" He asks.

"It's fine, I'll be back in a bit." I say as I make my way inside the shop.

I look at the cashier to see her looking at me. I ignore her, going towards where the bathroom sign was. I do my business, getting out and looking at the cashier.

"Is the food ready?" I ask, leaning on the counter. "You are with that guy?"

"Yes sweetheart" I say, picking on my nails.

She nods her head in fear, quickly setting everything in the bag, handing it to me. "Oh and sweetheart, next time do not touch any one else's man" I say as I pickup a pen from near the register, stabbing it in her hand. But of course since I'm nice...I remove it for her as well.

She screams out in pain, as I walk out, making my way towards the car.

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I watch as Amelia goes inside, leaving me in the car alone with Lucy...fuck my life.

"So..why are you really dating her?" Someone make her shut up.

I ignore her, thinking she would stop trying to talk with me.

"You know, you should have gone for someone with more experience, it would have been much better" she says as I suddenly feel hands on my pants.

"I can make you feel so much better" as she places her hand on top of my crotch. I hold her hand, taking my gun out. I place it on her head as she looks at me with fear in her eyes.

She whimpers, removing her hand, going back in fear. "Listen here and listen clear. You will not be rude to me or Amelia. If I catch you doing anything and I mean even a word slip up. I will kill you and make it look like a accident. You will treat me, as well as Amelia with fucking respect" I say coldly.

I remove my gun, placing it on it's rightful place. Amelia walks towards the car, with the food. I guess it's already done. "Hey" she says, smiling as she sits, with the food bags, in her lap.

"Let's go" she says as I reverse out of the parking, going towards her house. After ten minutes of deafening silence, we reach her house. Finally dropping her stepmother off.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"No seriously stop. That's so off tune and those aren't the lyrics" I shout for the tenth time at Vincenzo who was laughing his ass off along with me. We pull up in front of his house, getting out. The food with me.

We walk to the living room and place everything on the table. "I'm gonna go get changed first" I say as I walk out of the room and towards his.

I pick out some brown, silk shorts along with a silk top and robe, making my way out of the closet and towards the bathroom. I wash up, changing my clothes and making my way back down, towards the living room.

 I wash up, changing my clothes and making my way back down, towards the living room

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I walk in to see Andrew sitting on one of the sofas. I make my way towards Vincenzo who had removed his coat and sat with his shirt unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up.

He looks at me, smiling and pulls me beside him. "Where's Bella?"

"She's asleep" Andrew replies looking at me. "You. I need your help with something" he says pointing towards me. Me? He needs to talk with me? My help?

"Oh my god. Wait. Let me just- Vincenzo are you hearing this right now?"

"Forget it" he says groaning, reading to get up.

"Ok ok. Sorry. What is it?" I ask opening up my burger, taking a bite.

"How do I propose?"

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