ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I make my way through the crowd with my head down low and a mask on my face, making sure no one recognizes me.

Previously today, once I got home, Dante had texted me the details about the fight, saying he will be there too as it is an important one so I had trained for the rest of the day. I couldn't care less about who I'm going against, as long as I get paid well.

So right now, I'm walking through the building, towards the changing rooms. The hallway filled with men and women, ready to fight.

I walk in the changing room, making sure no one is in and remove my hoodie, leaving me in black sweatpants along with a black sports bra. I quickly leave a text to Dante, saying I'm here. After a few minutes Dante along with Mason walk in with a bag in Mason's hands. They help me wrap my hands and Dante gives me my mask.

I look at the mask, tracing my fingers over it. Antonio had given me this mask when I first started fighting and I had given him the ring with his name carved on it.

Dante looks at me knowingly with sad eyes, bringing me in for a hug. "It's time for the fight" I hear Mason say from behind us. I get out of Dante's grip, wiping off my tears and putting on the mask, making my way out the room, towards the fighting ring.

Since I had my mask on, everyone recognized me. They looked at me with fear, afraid to make a mistake. Parting like the red sea, as I walked through the crowd.

Mason gestures something to the announcer, most likely telling him I'm here. "Now, next we have the fight of the year!" The announcer's voice booms through the speakers. "First we have Black Rose, the undefeated!" I make my way in the ring, standing in the middle as everyone cheers. Once everyone quiets down, he continues. "Black Rose will go against Black Skull, who is also undefeated!" Hearing that, a really well built, muscular guy enters the ring.

We wait in the ring for a few minutes, waiting for everyone to place bets. Once every one is done we start.

He waits for me to throw the first punch, when I don't. He does. He lands the first punch straight to my jaw, making me stumble back a little. He tries to throw a punch again but I block him and punch him on the throat as well as kick him in the stomach at the same time. Which makes him loose his balance, falling on his back.

I straddle him, throwing a punch his way, which he blocks, flipping us. He was now on top of me, throwing punches. I block some of them but the others get to my face, which is probably be bruised by now.

I quickly get out of his grip, standing up. He launches towards me which I side-step and he misses. My head was feeling heavy, he was really good at this.

He comes at me again but I take this chance to jump on top of him, I hook my legs around his shoulder, flipping him. As he lands down I keep throwing punches, not focusing on where they land.

The guy brings his hand up to punch me but instead I feel the agonising pain of my arm slicing open. He had a blade in his hand. Fuck. This bitch. I take away the blade from his hand, throwing it away. I get up, the pain unbearable but I didn't care because of the adrenaline pumping inside my body.

As the guy gets up, I round house kick him and he fall on the ground, I keep on punching him until he finally falls unconscious. Once he is finally unconscious I fall on my back with the pain coming to me. Atleast I know I didn't completely forget how to fight.

Mason comes, picking me up and out of the ring. He takes me to the changing room and goes out, saying he needs to collect the money. Just as he leaves, Dante enters with a first aid kit in his hand.

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I watch as Dante's right hand man takes her away, her arm bleeding heavily. To say I'm furious right now would be an understatement. He had cheated but still lost the fight.

I notice Ryder along with two other guys come my way. "Dude you fought like a girl" they all laugh at what one of the guys had said. "And that is an insult..how?" At that all of them look towards me in fear, coming forward with thier head bowed down.

"I want to know how that is an insult? He clearly lost to a girl. Therefore fighting like a girl isn't an insult." I say calmly, directing my question to the guy who had made the joke earlier. He doesn't say anything, just staring at the ground in fear. His eyes not meeting mine once.

I look towards Andrew and he hands me a blade, infact the same blade Ryder had used earlier. Ryder gulps, holding onto my legs. Begging. "per favore ... mi dispiace capo" (translation: please ... I'm sorry boss{italian})

"che mano era?" I ask, ignoring him. "Per favore capo" I ignore him once again, slicing his right arm open. His screams begging for mercy.

(Translation:Which hand was it?)

"Capo dovrei scoprire chi è la rosa nera?" (Boss should I find out who black rose is?) One of my men asks, coming forward.

"I already know who she is."

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