ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 60.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I wake up to see myself in Isabella and Andrew's room, looking next to me, I notice someone holding my hand with their head on the bed, asleep. It wasn't a dream. It's real. He is here.

"Antonio" I whisper, but he seemed to have been in a light sleep as he suddenly wakes up, looking around. "hermanita" he smiles. "Looks like this time you believe it's me"

[Translation: little sister]

I hug him tightly, closing my eyes. "I missed you, I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry" I say sincerely.

He suddenly let's go and and swats away my hand. "You have nothing to be sorry for and besides aren't–" he starts coughing and spits out some blood in the tissue before continuing. "Aren't you going to ask me how I'm still alive?"

"No and It doesn't matter, you are here now" I say, hugging him once again. "Just because i was dead doesn't mean I'll let you hug me for that long. Ew" he says, pulling away and getting up. "Five more minutes" I ask in the best face I can make. He looks at me for a moment before sighing "two minutes" he says, pulling me in a hug.

"Does dad know?" I ask. "How am I supposed to explain where I have been for the past three years and the dead body they found that was apparently mine" I chuckle, pulling away. "We'll figure it out"

"Wait here" I say, leaving the room and going towards Vincenzo and mine's. I open up the drawer to see it's not there. "What are you looking for?" I hear from behind me as I open the second drawer. "This" I say, handing him his ring. "This time you better take it to your grave. I spent way too much money in it"

"As if" he scoffs "you got it for free when you brought a ring of yours and carved the name with a blade" he say, hitting my forehead.

"Fine then" I say keeping it back in the drawer. "But I'll keep it because my blue faced sister got it for me" he says, picking it back up. "I'm not blue faced" he turns me around towards the mirror and truly enough, the bruises were still blue. Ugh.

"Fuck you" I groan in annoyance

"I'm your brother hermanita."

"But, do you have any hot friends?" He asks, placing his arm around my shoulder.  Just as I'm about to reply he speaks up. "You don't need to answer that because I know for a fact, you dont have any friends who are girls" he says, pinching my cheek. Hard.

I glare at him, hitting his arm away from me. "This time, you might as well die for real" I say, punching him. "Fuck sakes this is abuse" saying that, he runs out, me following right behind him.

"Stop" Xavier says, standing between the both of us. He takes a bite of whatever it is that he was eating before sitting down on the couch, infront of Andrew and Bella. "Continue"

We both looks at each other before looking at Xavier weirdly and just shrugging, sitting down.

"I see this time you didn't go into shock" Andrew says, looking at us. "Ass" I mumble.

"You met them right?" I ask the obvious, looking at Antonio and he nods his head smiling.

Just then Liam walks in and my eyes drop to the phone in his hand, which he hides as soon as he notices me in the room, thinking I didn't see it. "Wha-" I begin, but stop myself instantly saying "I'll be right back" instead and leaving the room.

I walk into my room, closing the door. I pick up the pillow, placing my hand in and taking out Andrew's phone. I pick up my laptop and walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

Opening up Andrew's phone, I look through his messages, first opening up the chats between him and Xavier. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I check the chats between him and Liam, still not finding anything. I finally open the chats between him and Cameron before scrolling up until I finally find what I was looking for.

Andrew Cameron

Any progress?

Nothing, the doctor said he might not even make it

What do we do?

That's where thier convo ends, Andrew had left him in seen, not bothering to reply. I switch on my laptop and press the keys Vincenzo had told me about. It opens up a aap, telling us the location of everyones phones. I type in Cameron's number and it opens up a location.

I type it down on my phone, closing the laptop and making sure no one is in the room before leaving the bathroom with the laptop in my hand.

I place mine and Andrew's phone in my pocket before leaving the room. I make my way directly to the garage, picking up random car keys from the bowl and unlocking it, going towards the car. I leave the grounds, typing the location on the gps before following it.

It stops me infront of a large building, nothing out of the ordinary. Nevertheless, I park the car and walk in.

I'll have to check every floor. Fuck.

Hello loves! Alright so I hope you all are enjoying the book and if I ever decide to publish it as a hardcover. Will any of you buy it??

Also, I wanna change the name of my book so...any suggestions?

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