ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 29.

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ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

She's asleep.

I open the door as quietly as possible, carefully taking her out with me. Walking in, the guards open up the door for me.

I make my way towards the bedroom, slowly laying her on top of the bed. Doing that, I make my way back outside and call Rose, my chef, but she is like a mother to me.

As I walk in the kitchen, everyone leaves the room, leaving me with Rose. She turns towards me, smiling widely. I give her a small smile, crouching down to her level so she can ruffle my hair. It's a habit.

"Have you eaten yet?" She asks turning back towards her cooking, which smelled amazing.

I shake my head, standing beside her. "Can you please do me a favore mamma?" She turns towards me nodding, smiling brightly. "There is a girl in my room, can you change her clothes please? But make sure she doesn't wake up."

She nods her head, smiling "Questo è il primo ... È la mia futura nuora?!" She is basically shouting at this point. I chuckle, ignoring her question. "You can use Isabella's clothes." Saying that I leave the kitchen.

[Translation: This is a first...Is she my future daughter in law?!]

I make my way towards the living room to see Xavier, Cameron and Liam all there.

I sigh, dropping on the sofa, my mind in deep thought. "Dr. Brown should be here any moment." I hear Xavier say as I massage my head with the tip of my fingers.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I wake up with my head hurting like hell, covered in cold sweat, my body aching with pain as well. As I try to blink my eyes open, I can't. They felt heavy.

Finally opening up my eyes, groaning, I sit up. I look beside me to see Bella asleep. Looking around the room I see, Andrew on the floor using his phone beside Isabella, who was on the bed.

He notices me wake up and gets up from his place, "you have alot of explaining to do" saying that he makes his way out the door.

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