ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 69.

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Amelia's POV:

Vincenzo caresses my hair lightly as I attach myself closer to him, his naked chest touching against mine, my eyes feeling heavy as I fall asleep against him with a smile on my face.


He plants his lips against mine. This kiss was slow and passionate, not rushing or filled with lust. I moan against his lips as his hand goes into my sweater and massages my breasts.

My eyes closed as I crane my neck a bit, him leaving small, wet, kisses against it. A moan escapes out of me as he sucks lightly on a spot, making my hands go around his neck, pulling him closer, wanting more.

He takes my sweater off of me, leaving me in my bra and skirt. His hands go behind my back, unclasping my bra before he unbuttons his shirt, leaving him in his pants.

He leaves soft trails of kisses against my neck, making his way down to my breasts, taking one into his mouth while he massages the other one with his hand, softly playing with my nipples, making me crane my back, feeling the cold metal of his ring, hit against them.

He come back up, his hand going to the side of my neck, holding it gently as he once again starts kissing me. I knew he was holding back because of me, not knowing if I was ready yet.

One of his hand trails down my stomach, making me shiver as his fingers stop at the hem of my skirt and panties. I nod lightly against the kiss and he takes off my skirt and panties without breaking the kiss.

He pulls away, going down, leaving kisses against my hip bone, stopping on my thighs. My eyes fall down on the scar on my thigh, making me feel conscious.

I try to cover it up by my hand, but he holds it just before I can hide it, he lets go of my hand, holding me by the hips, leaving a kiss on my scar, making his way up.

I feel the metal of his rings against my clit as he rubs it lightly, making me even more wet.

I get up, making him look at me in question but I don't reply as I start unbuckling his belt, pushing him lightly on the bed. I take off his pants and boxers, his hard cock in full view.

He groans, his right hand going up, jumbling with my hair as I move my hands against his member, rubbing it up and down before kissing Vincenzo, straddling his lap.

I fix myself on top of his member, slowly sliding down. He flips us over, with him on top of me as he slams himself against me, making me scream out in pleasure.

_ _ _

"Hurry up" I say and take a hold of Vincenzo's hand, dragging him in the hospital with me in a hurry. "Where is she?" I ask as soon as I see everyone sitting outside. "Well, hello to you too" Antonio and Xavier say at the same time before glaring at each other.

Cameron rolls his eyes, answering me. "She's unconscious right now, in that room" he points to room 203. "Andrew is with her right now" has that ever stopped me before? Nope, not once.

I stroll into the room and notice Andrew asleep on the couch. I make my way towards Bella, smiling, looking at her sleeping form as she had a smile on her exhausted face.

I look at the small glass cod beside her bed, on her other side, and make my way towards it. Laying inside it was one of the most beautiful baby boy I have every seen.

I stare at the baby in front of me with a smile on my face, my hand unconsciously going to my stomach. "Axel" I hear a voice and turn around to see Andrew. "Axel Ross" he says looking at the baby. "His name" he says, turning to look at me.

"Axel" I try out his name, smiling, looking at the baby's innocent face.

Andrew's POV:

I look at Vincenzo beside me, who was quietly standing there, his nails digging into his palms as he stares at Amelia with the baby.

I follow his eyes and notice Amelia's hand on her stomach, her nails unconsciously digging in, but a smile on her face.

"Congrats man" Vincenzo says suddenly making me smile lightly and he goes towards Amelia, placing a hand around her waist, removing her hand that was digging into her skin. "Congrats" Amelia engulfs me with a hug, shocking me.

"Thanks" I say awkwardly patting her back making her chuckle and pull away. "It won't kill for you to smile around me" she says grinning.

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