ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 34.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Hello dolcezza"

"Hey Xavier" I chuckle sitting on the sofa beside him. "I always thought happiness started with H but why does mine start with U" he asks. "Do you have dyslexia?"

"You wound me" he exaggerates, keeping his hand over his chest. Which I think he thinks is his heart. "Your heart is supposed to be on the other side"

I get up, going towards Vincenzo's desk as Xavier quickly changes his hand to the other side. As I look around his desk, I notice a really pretty looking necklace with a dagger. Wow.

I make me way to where Vincenzo and Liam were talking, with the dagger in my hand. "Can I have this? Please?" I ask as soon as I'm near them.

He looks at me, nodding his head. Saying I can have it. I screech with excitement, jumping on top of him for a hug. He holds me from under my ass with my legs wrapped around his torso and my hands around his neck.

Liam clears his throat, bringing our attention towards him. "We should leave now" he says looking at Xavier. I blush, standing up beside Vincenzo.

"You can talk to Vincenzo, I was just about to..umm...take Xavier with me to have a look around the warehouse." I say, quickly taking Xavier's hand and pulling him out of the room.

"Do you finally plan on confessing your love for me?" He asks, coming in for a hug. "No"

I push him away, walking up front with him following behind me. "What do you wanna see first?" He asks coming beside me.

"Shooting range"

He leads me towards a corridor with around twenty doors. "These are some of them and there are more on the other side of the building. There is also a outdoor shooting range if you wanna go there"

"Can we go inside?" He nods his head opening up the first door, going inside with me following behind him.

"Woah" I whisper looking around. Around the room there were all different kinds of guns, more than I had ever seen. "It's sweet, isn't it?" I nod my head, going towards the guns.

I pick one up and make my way towards the firing lane. I fire the gun, missing my target by a few inches, I fire again but this time miss by alot. I groan looking at Xavier leaning against the walls beside me. "You are doing quite good actually. These people around the room, some of them couldn't even shoot a gun before coming here."

I focus on my target and shoot again, the bullet going through the middle. I shoot again and again, getting the target each time but sometimes missing by a few.

I turn around with a smile on my face, high fiving Xavier. "That was really good" he says taking my gun and putting it back on the table.

"Where to now?"

"I don't know...anywhere?" He chuckles leading me up the stairs, to another floor. This time he stops infront of a huge double sided door "this is my favourite place and probably everyone else's too"

Just as he opens it up, music could be heard. Huh, soundproof doors. We make our way inside to see a completely different world. There were people dancing, people drinking, doing drugs, having sex and all other types of things. "This is nice, isn't it sweetheart?"

I nod my head making my way around, following Xavier. "Now if you don't want to stay here, we can leave and I can show you the gym and everything." He says. "I like it"

Vincenzo's POV:

"The Baudelaire's aren't agreeing to our terms and turns out Petrov already went there."

"Russians?" Liam nods his head showing me his phone. "His right hand man was seen there"

Just then I get a notification on my phone from Xavier, I check it to see a picture of a guy laying down with with a dagger in his stomach...the dagger Amelia took.

I groan making my way out of office and towards the bar, Liam right behind me.

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