ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 66.

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Before Y'all start this chapter i just wanted to say PLEASE CHECK IF THERE IS ANOTHER CHAPTER FIRST AND THEN FEEL FREE TO COME AT ME. But don't just message me privately, coming at me when you haven't even checked if there was another chapter uploaded

Yes i know y'all didn't like the ending but you could check if there is another chapter before coming at me and no I'm not mad but i just wanted to put it out there.

I would put this at the end of chapter 64 but my wattpad is being a bitch and isn't letting me edit the chapter

Anyways sorry for the rant and you may now continue...

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Come on wake up for the love of god" he says for the tenth time, trying to wake me up. "It's too early" I groan, swatting his hands away.

"You can sleep in the car" he says. "I brought the outfit you liked the other day, go try it on" he shakes me with both his hands on my back, again.

"What outfit?" I turn my face towards him "where are we going?" I turn myself completely towards him.

"I won't tell you if you don't dress up" he says, trying to get me out of bed. "I wanna see that dress but I'll...maybe..just a teeny weeny bit, choose sleep over it" I say, going back to bed.

"It's the pastel one" he says suddenly, making me jump in excitement. "No way! Where is it"

"Go clean up and I'll show you"

I make my way to the bathroom, stripping out of my clothes, making me look into the mirror. The scars on my body still there. My eyes drop down to my stomach as I stare at it.

"I'm sure he or she is in a better place bambina" I hear Vincenzo say from behind me, as he places a hand on my belly, caressing it.

He smiles softly at me, removing my hand from my belly, taking me towards the shower. "I'll go take care of something, the dress is on the bed" he tells me, pecking my lips and leaving the bathroom.

I take my time cleaning up, enjoying the hot water burning on my skin before wrapping a towel around my hair and my body and walking out.

And truly enough there was a pastel pink box on top of the bed. I open it to see the pastel outfit, the pastel blue shirt with a pastel plaid skirt, along with pastel blue heel shoes.

I smile, putting it on and put on some light make up before leaving my hair as it is and making my way downstairs

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I smile, putting it on and put on some light make up before leaving my hair as it is and making my way downstairs.

"Where's everyone?" I ask Xavier who was sitting on the couch with a tub of ice cream in his hand, looking like hell. "Andrew and Bella are probably at their house since Bella wasn't feeling well, Liam is at the warehouse, Valentino is god knows where and Arabella is with Cameron."

"Oh and Vincenzo is waiting for you in the car" he sniffs. "What happened to you?" He sighs dramatically before placing the spoon and the icecream tub on the table infront. "Am I not attractive? Has my charm weakened up? Am I still charming Lia?" I nod my head, unsure on what I should say.

"Then why doesn't she like me back" he groans out, dropping on the couch once again. "It makes me want her more"

"Who is it this time?"

"A girl obviously" he rolls his eyes, picking up his icecream tub. Before I can speak up, he suddenly gets up cutting me off. "You are completely right Lia. I shouldn't cry over her, I'm charming enough to have other girls"

"I didn't—" I don't get to complete my sentence as he just walks out of the living room. "BUT IT ISN'T HER" I hear him shout just before I walk out the front door making me chuckle.

He does that every few months

"Xavier is having his crush phase again" I say to Vincenzo as I sit down in the passenger seat. "Who is it this time?"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me. He said and I quote 'a girl obviously" he chuckles, reversing out of the main gate. "What do you want to eat?"

"Surprise me" I say, leaning back and closing my eyes. "Also thank you, I love this IT'S SUPER CUTE" I thank him, remembering I hadn't earlier.


After we had eaten breakfast, he starts driving again but this time stopping infront of a nail salon. "Why are we her—" he cuts me off, holding up my hand "nails obviously"

He gets off and comes my way, opening the door for me. He secures his hand around my waist as we walk in to the counter and the lady immediately somehow recognizes us and lead us through the back towards the seats.

"Do u you have a design in mind Ms Black?" The lady asks and starts cleaning up my nails. I look towards Vincenzo to see him take out his phone and show it to the lady and she nods smiling and getting up to pick out the nail paints. "What is it?"

"I took the liberty of choosing your nails for you which I hope you don't mind" he says but as I'm about to speak up he cuts me off again "you can change them later on if you don't like them but you can't see them right now" he says sitting on the seat beside me. I nod my head smiling as i keep my head on top of my arms, my hand sprawled out to the front, waiting for my nails.

After around twenty minutes the lady says she is done and asks if i need any changes. Looking at my hand,the nails were...perfect.

They matched the pastel theme of my dress and looked amazing. "I love them" i squeal hugging Vincenzo and thank the lady before getting up and leaving with Vincenzo as he had paid while i got my nails done.

 "I love them" i squeal hugging Vincenzo and thank the lady before getting up and leaving with Vincenzo as he had paid while i got my nails done

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