ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm..ughh sucks.

Yesterday I spent the whole day unpacking and decorating my room and decorating and connecting cables in my gaming room which was connected with my room. And I was happy with how it all turned out.

 And I was happy with how it all turned out

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Bedroom and bathroom^^
Gaming room:

Oh and I have school today, in an hour how great

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Oh and I have school today, in an hour how great. Not.

I decide to finally get out of my comfy bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower and brush. As I finish I go into my closet to look for something to wear and decide on wearing a white crop top with a pair of white sweatpants, an oversized leather jacket and white chunky sneakers.

 As I finish I go into my closet to look for something to wear and decide on wearing a white crop top with a pair of white sweatpants, an oversized leather jacket and white chunky sneakers

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I decide on doing natural makeup but with red lipstick and curl my hair slightly at the ends.

As I finish I grab my book bag, my phone, keys, ID and go downstairs. My dad had already left as he works as a lawyer and my step mom? God knows what she's doing.

I go out locking the door on my way and get on my bike...oh yeah my bike arrived yesterday. My baby.

I put the location on my phone and start my bike following the directions

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I put the location on my phone and start my bike following the directions. After around 10 minutes I finally stop infront of a fairly large high school.

I make my way through the parking lot and park my bike in the first parking spot I see, which happens to be right infront. I look to my right to find the parking spot beside me empty too.

As soon as I park I start hearing whispers from all around me.

Ugh I haven't even step a foot down and they have already started.

I confidently swing my leg over my bike leaning against it, I look around to see the boys giving me looks filled with lust and girls giving me death glares, and some not giving a fuck while the others looking scared...for me?

"She parked on her spot."
"Ew she's not even pretty."
"Hot damn, I would love to tap that."
"Bro stop looking, you have a girlfriend."
"Does she know she parked on her spot?"

I ignore everyone and make my way through the halls and in the main office. As I enter I look at the woman who looks around 50 in age oblivious of me coming in. I clear my throat and she looks up at me and smiles "how can I help you dear?" She asks in her sweet and friendly voice. "I'm new here, can I please get my schedule?" I ask as nicely as possible.

"Sure. Can I just please have your name?" She asks looking up at me. "Amelia Black"i reply shortly.

She types something in her computer for a few minutes then finally gives me a file. "This has all the stuff you will need. It has the school map, your locker number and combination, your schedule, and the books are already in your locker." She says smiling at me.

I mumble a small thank you and leave the office going to look for my locker.

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