ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 48.

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2 months later

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

Everything was perfect. Too perfect. Bella has started to show a little, the small bump on her belly is the cutest. Andrew has...how should I put it? Become softer? Well atleast with me since we get to see alot of each other. Vincenzo and I have been doing great, yes we fight sometimes over dumb shit but make up before the end of the night.

Cameron and Hunter have started dating and we all, including Xavier and Liam, have grown closer to each other. This is the longest I've stayed in a town after Antonio's death.

"DAD! I'M GOING OVER AT VINCENZO'S HOUSE!" I shout, leaving, locking the door behind me.

I get in my g-wagon, starting it up, it was already night and I was dressed in my sweats.

In twenty minutes, I was infront of his house, opening the door, and walking in. He had given all of us a key to his house since we basically live there. "I'm home!" I shout as I walk into the living room to see everyone there.

I set my purse on the coffee table, jumping on Vincenzo and settling in his lap. "Bella what's that?" I ask, looking at her stuff her face.

"Pickels with peanut butter and chillies on top of bread slices" Andrew says, cringing as he holds Bella's hair from sticking into the food. "Is it tasty?"

She nods her head, smiling. "Do you want some?" I shake my head, chuckling as she just shrugs and continues eating.

"Where were you?" Vincenzo asks quietly. "My dad was home today, I told you!" He looks at me sheepishly before nodding his head in agreement. "Of course"

"I'm gonna be out of town this weekend. It's my brother's death anniversary" I tell him, in advance. As he is about to speak up, Cameron walks in, with a worried look on his face. We all look at him, waiting for him to say something.

"Capo" he pauses. He only calls him that if it's related to work. "The girl who was supposed to get the file is hurt, she somehow got shot during training. And Cassano is supposed to be at the bar in around thirty minutes."

"Call Mara, ask her to go instead" it's Liam who says that.

"Wait wait wait. No one call anyone! Can I go instead?" I wait for someone to speak up and Andrew finally does. "You do know you need to seduce Cassano to get that file right? I'm sure Vincenzo won't-"

"She can go" Vincenzo cuts him off. "Go get dressed" I squeal, kissing his cheek and leaving the room, dragging Isabella with me. "YOU ONLY HAVE TWENTY MINUTES" I hear someone shout from behind me. I shout out an 'okay' going to my closet.

"Ok so Isabella, wash your hands and start taking out makeup and I'll go find a dress" I don't wait for her reply as I make my way to the dresses.

After looking for about ten minutes, I end up with a skin tight, reddish maroon coloured dress.

I quickly put it on and go to the makeup room to see Bella waiting for me

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I quickly put it on and go to the makeup room to see Bella waiting for me. "If you don't have every guy dropping on their knees for you..." she sighs. I sit down infront if her as she starts applying stuff on my face.

After a few minutes of trying to perfect the eyeliner wing and poking my eye a couple of times, Bella finally finishes up, applying the red gloss one last time.

"Hot damn" she whistles, hitting my ass. I bow down jokingly, before we both start walking up the stairs. We enter the living room to see everyone, except Andrew and Vincenzo already gone.

"Are they already gone?" Bella asks, going to Andrew. "They wanted to drink so they are all already there, as for you. You are staying at home with me" Andrew says, pointing at Isabella.

He then looks at me, pointing at a file and a packet on the table that wasn't there before. I make my way to the sofa, picking up the file first. Vincenzo keeping quiet as he just stares at my every move.

"What's this?" I ask, opening it up. "That's Cassano, you don't need to know anything but just memories what he looks like. He mostly goes for blondes, which is why Vincenzo will take you to a hair shop before you go to the club. His favourite drink is bourbon so order that if you have to." He pauses.

"The file is most likely in a USB or some hidden drive, but he keeps it with him at all times. So you need to figure out what it is. This packet has a syringe in it, you can use it to drug him up and there are a few pills in it too if you want to mix it in his drink" he says, throwing the packet at me.

"That's it"

I nod, getting up. "We should get going now" I say, pulling Vin up. I place the syringe and pills in my bag, settling in my g-wagon.

Vincenzo comes from the other side, sitting in the passenger seats. "You look gorgeous bambina" he says suddenly, placing his hand on my thigh. I smile at him, putting on my seatbelt and reversing out.

"Take a right" he says, his hand rubbing against my skin. "Is your dad going with you? This weekend?"

"He can't. He is going to go there directly after work." I smile sadly.

"Right" he says. "Can I come with you?"

I glance at him and look back on the road, nodding my head. A smile playing on my lips.

After a couple wrong turns, we finally manage to get to the shop because of me not following the directions.

"Get her a blonde wig but make it look as natural as possible" he says to one of the workers as she leads me towards a room.

She shows a few shades of blonde to Vincenzo, before he finally chooses the one he likes best.

Vincenzo pays at the front desk before we leave the shop, making our way towards the car. "I'm driving" he says, asking me for the keys.

I hand it to him, going to the passenger seat. "I look hot. Should I dye my hair blonde?"

He glances at me for a few seconds before looking up ahead. "Do you want to? We can go look at different colours tomorrow first and then you can dye it in the one you like most."

He stops infront of a busy bar and turns to me. "Show me your wrist" I look at him weirdly but do as he says.

He places a pretty looking bracelet on my wrist, hooking it up. "If he gets too close, tap on it five times and I'll be there"

He then takes out a small chip, placing it at the back of my necklace. "Listening device" he says, showing me the wireless, before placing it on his ear.



ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I make my way into the bar with Lia latched on to me, holding me by my arm. We find where the others are, making our way towards them.

"He isn't here yet" Xavier tells us, taking shots with the others. "I think he is" Amelia suddenly says, taking our attention to where she was looking.

Cassano had just entered, going towards the bar. "I'll see you in a bit" Amelia says, kissing me. "Ew" I hear from behind us, making me turn. Xavier.

She chuckles, detaching herself from me and making her way to the bar.

I sit on a couch that had clear display to what was going on. I loosen my tie a bit, opening the first few buttons on my shirt as I look at what's about to happen.

I hope ya'll have an amazing day <3

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