ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 63.

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ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I walk into the apartment, this time Valentino and Arabella with me. She wanted to see Vincenzo and wouldn't stop whining about it so Valentino brought her along with us.

Walking into the room, Amelia was already asleep on the the chair beside Vincenzo's bed. We had moved in a bed for her in the room, but she always seems to sleep on the chair beside his bed.

"You need to be really quite because they are sleeping alright?" I hear Valentino say to Arabella before they both walk in behind me.

I pick Amelia up, placing her on the bed before I come back to Vincenzo. I hear Arabella noticeably gasp and look towards her, to see her sitting on the edge of the bed, next to Vincenzo. "What?"

"He is pretty" she gushes out. "He is also your brother" I reply, "but uncle coco is still better"

Valentino and I chuckle and she jumps off the bed, going towards Amelia's bed. "Who is she?"

"Your brother's" Valentino pauses, searching for the appropriate word "friend" he say, more like questions.

"She is really pretty" she says, touching Amelia's skin. After her talking to herself for around ten minutes, Valentino gets a phone call, saying he needs to leave. "Can I stay here?" Pause. "Please?" Valentino sighs, turning towards me. "I'll take her home with me later" I say

"Thanks" he says, hurrying out.

"Where did you live with your mom?" I ask Arabella as she sits infront of me, on Vincenzo's bed. "There was this huge house like this one, it was really pretty too. But I like where you all live better."

"It's way bigger. Like a castle" she grins. "Do you like castles?" She nods furiously, her eyes opening up with excitement. "I love them and I love Aurora the most"

"Whose that?" She gasps dramatically at that and holds up my hand in hers. "Do you really don't know who she is?" I shake my head and she jumps off the bed, dragging me by my hand towards the couch.

"Can we watch sleeping beauty on that?" She almost shouts, pointing towards the TV infront. I nod my head, putting on whatever it is that she just said. As I do, I glance towards Amelia to see her turning profoundly, sweating. "Just a second" I say to Arabella, standing up and walking towards Amelia's bed.

Tears streaming down her face and I touch her forehead to see her burning up. "Fuck" I make my way out of the room, returning with a bowl of cold water and a cloth. "What's happening to her? Is she sick?" I hear a small voice ask from behind.

"Yes" I reply, bringing a chair next to her bed and placing the cold wet cloth on the forehead. "Will she be okay?"

"Let's hope so"

After changing the cloth every five minutes, her fever finally starts going down and she blinks open her eyes. "Did you eat today?" I ask her, removing the cloth, and placing it next to the bowl on the table. She nods her head, getting up.

"Antonio brought-" she pauses, clearing her throat before continuing. "Antonio brought me a sandwich" she says before she hurries out of the room and I follow behind her confused. She opens the bathroom door, kneeling infront of the toilet and starts throwing up.

I kneel down beside her and notice blood coming out as well. "Are you sure you didn't eat anything else?" I ask but realise she is still throwing up and hold back her hair.

Once she is done, she cleans up, shaking her head. "No I didn't eat anything else" she replies to my previous question. "How many times did this happen" she shrugs, going back into the room. "How many more times Amelia?"

"Since yesterday-" before she can say anything else, she pauses looking at Arabella. "She is Vincenzo's sister"

"I didn't know he had a sister" she says, walking towards Arabella who still hadn't noticed our presence. "Neither did we. Ginevera, his mom just left her and went away on a trip."

"Hello" she says to Arabella, sitting on a chair.

As she talks to her, I make my way out of the room, dialing Dr.Brown's number.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Hello" she looks towards me, smiling. "Are you okay now?" I look at her, a smile forming in my face. "Yes, thank you for asking" I say, holding her small hands in mine.  why do I sound so formal. 

"I'm Arabella and I'm Five" she says, holding up four fingers. I chuckle opening up her thumb "this is five" I explain. "And my name is Amelia"

"When will my brother wake up?" She asks, looking at him. I look at him, the machines keeping him alive, it was supposed to be me. He doesn't deserve this.

"Let's hope soon" I say to her sadly, caressing her cheek. She smiles taking my hand and pulling me to the couch. "Do you like Aurora?"

"I love her"

"Uncle Drew doesn't know who she is" she says sadly. "I heard my name" we both turn our heads towards the door to see Andrew leaning against the door frame. "Come on we need to finish watching the movie. Lia will watch with us"

"Why is she Lia and I'm Uncle?" Andrew asks, coming towards the couch, sitting beside Arabella. "Because she is pretty and she likes Aurora, you are old and you don't know who Aurora is" she rolls her eyes.

"Can I stay here with Lia?" Arabella asks, yawning while she rubs her eyes. "Valentino is waiting for you at home" Andrew says, standing up. "Only for a bit more" she says, grabbing onto my arm. He looks at his watch before he replies "Only for an hour, I will go do some work and come back to pick you up" 

She grins widely, getting up and hugging Andrew "thank you" Andrew nods his head, leaving the room but not before leaving money on the table.

He always leaves money on the table for me to use, not like I use any. Bella sometimes uses it when she suddenly gets cravings but no one is here with us to buy them or when I need sanitary products.

"Can we watch another movie?"

"Aren't you sleepy?" I ask her as she yawns. She nods her head, coming towards me and lays down with her head in my lap. I caress her hair, her falling asleep.

Hello! How are ya'll? I hope you are enjoying the book and hope u have an amazing day <3

Also I will start updating regularly again in a few days because my exams are almost over!

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