ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 57.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"I‐ it's my fault, he gave the vest to me and–" I try to stop myself, tears streaming down, Andrew in front of me as I try to explain what happened.

"Hey" he pauses, wiping my tears with a thumb. "We will get you out of here and him to a hospital okay?" He says trying to act calm but I could see him panicking as he goes back and returns with Liam. Liam picks me up as Andrew holds up Vincenzo going out the back entrance.

"We'll finish up here, take them to Dr Brown, Now." Andrew says, placing Vincenzo next to me in the car. Liam gets in the drivers seat, starting up. "Liam- his breathing is almost as good as gone" I say panicking.

"We are almost there" he says, taking a sharp turn. He stops in front of a hotel, getting out. He opens my door and looks at my feet for a moment before removing his shoes infront of me. "I can't hold both of you" he explains. I put my feet in as Liam helps me out with one of his arms around my waist and gets Vincenzo out, his arm around Liam's shoulder.

He walks in and walks towards the nearest couch in the lobby. He sits me down before placing Vincenzo next to me. "Wait here" he runs out towards the stairs, leaving me with Vincenzo in my arms.

He returns with a Doctor, who I remember to be Dr Brown and a really panicked Bella. Dr Brown almost immediately starts working on Vincenzo as I close my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore.

I wake up in a room...Vincenzo's room. I look down to see myself clothed in warm clothes and a IV drip injected in my hand.

I look around the room to see Andrew on the couch with his eyes closed and Bella beside him. Andrew filled with stitches on his face. I look to my left to see another person on the other couch but I couldn't see the face as that side of the room was really dim lit.

I try my best not to make a sound and get up, ready to pickup the water from beside me. My head pounding, everything coming back to me slowly. "Vincenzo" I whisper, or atleast I thought I did. Andrew opens his eyes almost immediately, getting up. "Vincenzo. Where is he" I ask, panicking.

"Amelia.." he tries to stop me as i start removing the wires attached to my hand. "Amelia" I stop, turning around to face the person I never knew I would see again. "Antonio?"

ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I watch silently as Antonio comes into view, infront of Amelia. "You" she pauses "you are alive" Antonio smiles a bit, walking towards us. "Stop. You aren't real" she shouts almost instantly, walking back and standing behind me.

"Lia.." he trails off, walking towards us once again. "Stop" she shouts, suddenly falling into her knees, her hand going on her chest as she rubs on it.

I sit down beside her to notice her go pale and sweat starting to form on her forehead. "Antonio stay back" I say sternly, picking her up and running out the door. "She's in shock" I say, walking into the infirmary where Dr Brown had been from the past few days.

I walk out of the room, Amelia still in the infirmary and make my way outside, sitting in my car. I drive towards the apartment that was currently heavily guarded and walk in. I make my way to the bedroom to see Vincenzo's lifeless body connected to machines as he lays there in a coma. 

I go to the room next to this one to see the doctor typing something on the computer. "Any progress?"  He shakes his head, looking down.

It had been three days. Three days since Vincenzo got shot, three days since Amelia was unconscious, three days since we were back.

Nothing felt right.

I had to take care of the Mafia as well as Bella and Amelia. Although the boys took turns to look after one another, It felt like it was my responsibility.

I stay near Vincenzo for I don't know how long before Cameron walks in with Hunter. "You should go back home. Amelia is fine now and Bella is looking for you" he says, sitting on the couch. "And I sent Liam and Xavier to take care of things at the warehouse so you should just stay at home for a few days" he speaks up just as I'm about to leave.

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