ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"I changed to seven different schools, all different places, and got expelled from all of those. Step banshee made me change my number and all my socials or she would take the necklace my mom left me. That's why I couldn't contact you or Dante. But I have seen Dante's people around following me sometimes. I moved here 2 days ago, and that's about it."I finished looking at her.

"I moved here as soon as you left the shithole and same I have seen Dante's people around."

After we left school, Isabella brought me to a small park near school where I started telling her everything she missed.

"Ok enough of the sad stuff, Bitch I'm dating Andrew Ross and I'm kinda living with him now." She said grinning.

"Hold up, Andrew as in.." she nods smiling sheepishly.

Andrew Ross the second in command of the Italian mafia. While my time with Dante I had learned alot about the mafia, and well people speaker highly of him and the Italian mob boss Vincenzo De Luca, tho I haven't seen him, by the way people talk about him he seems like a hot ass psychopath.

Ok I should not find psychopaths hot.

I shout, feeling happy for my best friend.

She grinned looking at me, "ok so he is 21, and he treats me like a damn queen even tho he is heartless and ruthless with others. I met him when I moved here, in a club and let's just say that night was really eventful..."

"And after about 2 or 3 months he asked me to be his girlfriend and I, obviously said yes, So we are dating from a long ass time now. I moved in with him when I turned 18 since you know how my dad can get. And that's about it."

"Babygirl I'm really happy for you." I say genuinely feeling happy for her.

She looks at me for a few seconds before hugging me really tightly, "I missed you so much, please don't leave me again" she says in a soft voice.

"I promise."

After our little moment we decided to head back school since we still had last period left and we were bored. I know what you are thinking..who the fuck goes to school cause they are bored?well we had nothing else to do.

We reach the school and head towards our class, English, which I found out we both have together.

"You wanna do it?" I ask her nodding my head towards the door. She shrugs and slams the door open with her foot.

We both enter and head towards the back, the teacher just continues teaching, I guess everyone knows who she's dating.

After the class finishes we head towards my locker so I can put my books in, we then go towards Bella's locker to see a guy our age standing there.

After the class finishes we head towards my locker so I can put my books in, we then go towards Bella's locker to see a guy our age standing there

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I look towards Bella."This is Valentino, Vincenzo's brother" I nod my head in understanding. The guy just raises his eyebrow at Bella in question, which she replies with a small "I'll explain later."

As we head towards our bikes, "Amelia you and me are going to a bar tonight, I'm gonna invite Andrew so this way you can meet him. And we will get ready at my house so I'll pick you up at 8" she suddenly states leaving no place for argument.

"Yes maam." I say mockingly and drive towards my house. Listening to her laugh fade away.


word count:595

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