ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 50.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"I'm gonna go sleep, I've got school tomorrow" I say to them, leaving the room and going to Vincenzo's bedroom, jumping on the bed.

"Bambina you are still in your dress" Vincenzo says walking into the room, locking it behind him. "Go change first" I groan, ignoring him and getting under the comforts.

It goes silent and I notice he isn't in the room anymore and the lights for the bathroom were closed which meant he was in the closet.

I suddenly feel my heels being removed followed by him turning me around. He opens up my zipper, removing the dress from on top of me, I was now in only my panties.

As he starts to place a new shirt on me, I get up, pressing my lips against his.

I try to pull back but he deepens the kiss, making me moan. My hands make thier way around his neck, pulling him closer.

He leaves my lips, working his way on my neck, leaving sloppy kisses. He bites hard enough for it to leave red marks all over my neck and collarbone.

He lays me down on the bed, him being on top of me. "Why don't we try something else tonight" I suggest, flipping us over and going into the side table to get handcuffs. I put it around his hand quickly, giving him no time to process it. Locking the other side with the bed.

I pick out another handcuff, placing it on his other hand, locking it with the bed.

I unbuckle his pants, removing it aswell as his boxers. Placing my hands on top of his shaft, I stop. I can do something better.

I take off my panties, leaving me completely nude as he stares at me with lust in his eyes. "You will unlock this right now" he grits out. I smirk, kissing his cheek before sitting infront of him.

I open my legs, letting my left hand down my thigh to my sex. I remain eye contact with him as I slowly place a thumb in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it to wet it.

I bring it down, rubbing it against my clit and insert a finger in my opening, circling my clit with my thumb as my eyes never leave his.

He kept staring into my eyes while I was fucking myself underneath them. I quicken the pace, circling two fingers around my clit, faster than before.

His eyes drop down in between my legs, letting out a moan, which made me even more wet. I bring up my other hand and start playing with my erected nipples, now regretting the decision of handcuffing him.

I dive two fingers into my opening, going all the way in, moaning out Vincenzo's name. Writhing under my own touch as he looks at me with deep hunger in his eyes.

I imagine Vincenzo's fingers as I keep fingering myself. I keep thinking of all the things he has and could do to me as go faster, a moaning mess. I keep diving my fingers in and out, moving my hips in a specific rhythm, riding my hand thinking it was him instead.

I couldn't take it any more and start moving my hands across his member before wetting it my mouth, making it easier for me to rub it.

I pick up the key, unlocking his first hand from which he suddenly grabs me by my chin, pulling to him, kissing me hard, his hand going in my hair.

He finally stops, allowing me to unlock his other hand. As soon as his hand is unlocked, he flips me over holding onto my neck as he suddenly thrusts into me, making me scream out him name.

He brings his mouth down to my breasts as he keeps on thrusting into me, swirling the tip of my nipple around his tongue, making my shudder.

It's a matter of seconds before I cum all over the place but he keeps going, his hands massaging my breasts.

After a few more thrusts, he cums in me. Finally stopping. Or that's what I thought...

He brings me to the edge of the bed, bending me over it. Holding up my hair he brings his lips next to my ears, whispering in "count" is all he says before I feel a sharp pain on my ass making me scream, but it felt full of pleasure.

It wasn't his hand, it was his belt. "KEEP IT DOWN WILL YOU" I hear someone shout from outside. But Vincenzo ignores it as I feel his belt on my ass once again. "Count"

"O- one" I speak out. This goes on for a while until I finally reach thirty.

"Thirty" I manage to say, barely over a whisper. "Good girl" he says, picking me up and laying me down on the bed, my stomach against the mattress. He leaves for a second, returning with something in his hand.

It was most likely lotion as he starts rubbing it on my ass, making me sigh out of relief. He applies it skillfully before he lays down beside me. "I'm sorry, It was too harsh wasn't it" he whispers, caressing my hair.

"I liked it" I smile, my eyes feeling heavy as I fall into deep slumber.

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