ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I was shocked when I found out the guy was Vincenzo De Luca, the Italian mob boss.

Right now we are heading towards the VIP lounge with the guys following us. As we reach I see Bella giving Andrew side glances, "bitch go get your Man, and I'm gonna get a drink." I say pushing her towards Andrew who was sitting on the couch.

I head towards the bar and get a bottle of vodka, I start drinking from the bottle. I don't know how long I stayed but the bottle in my hand was now empty and I could feel the alcohol kick in.

I look back and see Isabella and Andrew making out. Hard.

I look towards the other side of the room to see Vincenzo using his phone,with a cigarette in one hand and his phone in the other, not paying attention to anything or any one.

I walk towards him and sit on his lap taking the cigarette from his hands and taking a drag blowing it on his face. He smirks just looking at me, his phone long forgotten.

He takes the cigarette from my hands putting it in the ash tray. I pout at him as he just laughs.

He picks me up with me attached to him like a koala, my head in his neck as well as my hands and my legs around his torso. He goes out the bar in a car and says something in Italian to the driver.

After around 10 minutes the car stops and Vincenzo gets out with me still attached to him. I look up and turn slightly to see a huge ass mansion.

"Whose house is this?" I ask snuggling my head in his neck

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"Whose house is this?" I ask snuggling my head in his neck. He chuckles at that "mine."

We head inside and I dont bother looking up as I ready know it probably looks as good as the outside.

He open a door going inside it and puts me on the bed. "This is Andrew and Isabella's room, as they sometimes come here. You can go in the closet and pick out what u need then come in my room, it's the room infront if this one." He says then leaves.

I quickly change into a black bra set and wear a white crop top over it. I head towards his room and see him laying down on his bed in nothing but grey sweats.

I go and sit beside him but he pulls me up so I'm now sitting on his lap. He slowly pulls me into a kiss, his hands going around my neck bringing me closer. I suddenly stop and sit straight, I see him reach for his phone and take a picture of me, which I didn't mind.

I take the phone from his hand, keeping it on the side table and lay on top of him, cuddling. Soon enough I got tired and fall asleep in his arms.

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