ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 42.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Wait no try this" I say bringing up the fork to Isabella. "I'm here to know" Vincenzo whispers from beside me. "Are you seriously getting jealous of Isabella right now?" I whisper back.

He nods his head with an almost unnoticeable smile on his face. Cameron suddenly starts coughing, making me break eye contact with Vincenzo. I look towards him, to see him gesturing downwards with his eyes.

I nudge Vincenzo and he drops his spoon so he can look at what is going on. He comes back with a disgusted look on his face. "Your step-mother" he says cringing.

I get the point and turn towards Bella. "Lucy is being a pedo right now, I feel bad for Cameron. Make something up, I can't come up with anything"

She nods her head, suddenly getting up. "Why don't we dance for a while, the music is absolutely amazing" she says with a bright smile on her face. My dad smiles and nods.

She gets out of her chair, pulling Andrew with her. "Come on Cameron" she says smiling, pulling Cameron with her as well.

My dad gets up and asks Lucy for a dance, which she replies with a fake smile, nodding her head.

"Xavier, why don't we both go as well" Liam says, glancing towards Vincenzo and I.

"I'm eating"

Liam gets up, stopping infront of Xavier "you've ate enough" he says glaring at him. I don't think he is smart enough to understand why Liam is asking him to leave.

"It's never enough"

Liam rolls his eyes, giving up and just leaving by himself. "Leave" this time it's Vincenzo who speaks up, in a stern voice.

Xavier rolls his eyes, leaving the table but taking his plate with him. Atleast he has his priorities straight.

"Do you want to dance" Vincenzo asks. I shake my head, leaning back on my chair and closing my eyes. "Do you?"

"Nope, I just didn't want you to feel left out incase you wanted to dance" he says. I open my eyes a little, to see him leaning against his chair, his eyes shut as well.

"I don't like her. Lucy I mean" Vincenzo hums, asking me to continue. "My mom was the total opposite of her, you wouldn't loved her" I say with a sad smile playing on my lips. My eyes still shut.

"What happened?" He asks. "Car accident"

"You didn't spend hours on your makeup for it to get ruined, did you?" He says, wiping a tear I didn't know slipped through my eyes


"Thank you for today, I'll miss you dad. And next time you better tell me before you come so I can set something up" I say, hugging him.

He chuckles, saying a ok and hugging me back. "You are going with your friends, right?" He asks, pulling awa. "Yep" I nod.

"Well, Is it possible for one of you to give Lucy a ride home? I would love to, but I need to leave right away"

I look around for a minute before mumbling a small "sure"


ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I wait near the car as Amelia talks with her dad. After a long time of hugging, they both finally pull apart, before her dad says something and Amelia starts playing with her necklace, that she always seems to wear.

She does that when she is nervous.

I decide to head towards Andrew and Isabella's car as the guys had already left. "Boyfriend?" Andrew smirks as soon as I reach them.

"Never mind" I say to myself, turning back around and towards my car.

After a few more minutes, Amelia walks towards me, but her step mom with her "Are we giving her a ride? Or.."

"Giving her a ride, my dad needs to leave but he is going to go in a totally different direction" she explains, getting into the passenger seat.

Her step mother– Lucy, gets into the backseat, both of them ignoring each other.

"Okayy..." I say to myself, getting into the drivers seat.

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