ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 49.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I settle on the chair next to Cassano, scanning the bar, bored. I look at him to see him already looking at me, downing  a glass of liquor.

I turn my chair completely towards him, wrapping a lock of hair around my finger. "Can I get a bourbon please. neat" I say to the bartender, now getting Cassano's attention towards me completely. "It's on me" he says suddenly.

"And you are?"

"Cassano" he says bringing out his hand for a shake. "Arora" I smile in an innocent manner.

"What's a girl like you doing here alone" he asks, bringing his chair closer to mine, our knees touching. "I was supposed to be here with my friends but they bailed on me last moment" I sigh, pouting a bit.

I thank the bartender as he places a glass infront of me, Cassano continuing. "Well that's very rude of them, isn't it?" He asks, placing a hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb on it slightly. "How about I become your friend tonight? We can get out of here, I have a room here"

He stands up, placing a hand on my cheek. "What do you say?" I nod my head getting up as he places his hand on my waist, leading me up the stairs.

He opens up the door in front of us, taking me in with him. He starts leaving kisses on my neck suddenly making me cringe. I push him back slightly and he stops looking at me. "Do you have something to drink first?" I ask as he nods, going to the small cupboard in the corner.

Giving me enough time, to take the syringe out of my purse. He hands me a glass, waiting for me to drink it. I take a huge sip as he starts walking me to the bed.

I place my hands around his neck and as he starts to lean in, I stab the syringe on the back if his neck, making his eyes widen in shock.

His eyes get heavy as he finally drops, the glass shattering next to him.

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Vincenzo we need to get Amelia out of there, right now" I follow Cameron's eyes to where he was looking at to see one of Cassano's trusted men, making his way up the stairs where Amelia and Cassano had just went.

"Fuck" I run a hand through my hair, looking at Hunter. "You. They don't know you. Can you find the door Amelia went in, get her out of there while I try to distract him. They should be in one of the doors in the left corridor."

He nods hesitantly, going up the stairs. I walk to where Alvarò–Cassano's man, had just stopped to get a drink, the guys following right behind me.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Where the fuck is it" I groan out, searching his other pocket. I notice a pair of keys with a key chain. Picking it up, I examine to see the gun chain, having an opening in a corner.

I search once again making sure it's the correct one. Just then Hunter barges into the room, panting. "We need to leave. Now" he says looking at Cassano's unconscious body in horror.

I quickly get up, leaving the room while Hunter follows me. As I reach the stairs, I notice Vincenzo and the guys talking to some guy. I don't see who it is as his back was turned towards me. "Stop panting and act like you don't know them" I whisper to Hunter, who was looked scared for life.

I hold his hand and walk down the stairs, ignoring them and making my way near the exit, where I could see what was going on without looking suspicious as fuck.

Vincenzo suddenly raises up his glass for the man to clink, smirking little. He says something before walking our way. "Bambina, are you okay?" I nod my head, smiling. "Can we get drunk?"

He looks at me hesitantly for a few seconds before speaking up. "I don't think that's such a good idea" he says, referring to the last time I got drunk.


"You kissed Cameron saying he looked like olaf" he reminds me. "And you hugged Andrew, giving way too much explicit details about how it would feel if him and Vincenzo were gay and hooked up" Cameron interferes.

"You ran away from home with my weed brownies and gave them out to random people"  Xavier continues.

I hadn't notice we were already out of the bar and near the cars, them reminding me of all the things I had done the last time. "Do you want us to continue?" Liam asks, making me shake my head.

"Let's just go home" I groan, walking towards my car.

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