ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 39.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Ok so you need to pee in this cup and keep this stick in it for five minutes" I hand Bella a cup, asking her to go pee in it.

After she is done, we put in 4 sticks, since you can never be too sure. And set a timer of five minutes before waiting. Anxiously.

"Lia, what if he doesn't want the baby. I know we have been dating for a long time. But what if he isn't ready yet? What if I'm not ready?" She says, biting on her nails, her foot tapping against the ground.

"Bella you're gonna be a great mom. And if you are pregnant, you should discuss it with him and think about yourself. If you aren't ready yet... and if he doesn't take any responsibility, I will be more than happy to help you raise him or her. Just know whatever decision you make, I'm here for you." I say smiling softly.

She nods her head, bringing her hands to her head.

Just then we hear the alarm ring, indicating it has already been five minutes. "Can you check for me?" I nod my head, picking the first one up.


Seeing that, I pick up the second one. Negative.

I look at the other two, to see them both positive.

"Bella..." I drawl out, waiting for her to enter the toilet. "Positive"

She looks at me, then looks at the tests in my hand, bringing up her hands to her face.

"Lia he will hate me"

"He loves you Bella, if he doesn't take responsibility, I will" she nods her head thanking me.

"Do you want to watch a movie? It will cheer you up"

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Xavier take your team through the back entrance, Liam right, Andrew take from the left and Cameron you come with me."

They all nod, taking their teams with them. "Vincenzo, it will be war after this." Cameron says from beside me.

"It will be worth it"

We make our way through the front door, the guards at the front were already taken care of so it wasn't a problem getting in. As we enter the warehouse I notice it was big, but empty.

"Fuck!" I grab my hair in a annoyance but check the other doors nonetheless. Empty.

"There is a basement here" Cameron and I follow Liam down the stairs, which were hidden behind some stuff.

The basement was dark and had no light whatsoever, we take out our flashlights, looking inside every cell. But everything was empty.

"VINCENZO YOU NEED TO SEE THIS" it was Xavier's voice. I didn't even know when he got down here but I make my way towards where the sound came from.

As I enter this cell, it only had a chair in the middle but on top of the chair was a note with a USB on it. I pick up the note, reading it.

I knew you would be here sooner or later. Didn't you leave my love alone at your house?
I'd be more careful if I were you.

I fold up the paper in my hand, picking up the USB and making my way back up, ready to head home. I shouldn't have left her there. Fuck.

As I reach the top of the stairs. Klaus's men were here, Andrew and some of my men fighting them, but they were alot.

I shoot the guy on top of Andrew and help him up. Just as I do, more men start coming in.


"AMELIA!" I shout as soon as I reach my house. Andrew and the boys with me. "ISABELLA" this time it's Andrew who shouts.

I had shown them the note in the car, explaining why we needed to be here quick.

"AMELIA!" As she doesn't answer, I quickly make my way into the house and towards the living room to see both Amelia and Isabella passed out, the room a mess with all types of candy and ice-cream melting. The TV playing the credits of some movie.

"For fuck sakes" I sigh, pulling on my hair. "Ooh they were watching infinity war" we all turn our heads towards Xavier who was squealing, making him stop.

"I don't think now is the time Xavier" Cameron  says, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Right.."

I turn off the TV, sitting on the sofa where Amelia was sprawled out. Closing my eyes.

"Vincenzo you need to clean up the wounds first."

"Later" I say, feeling sleepy.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I wake up to my wound being pressed. I open my eyes to see Lia with her head on top of my lap and her hands around my waist, squeezing the wound.

I look around to see the room cleaned up, Xavier sprawled on one of the sofas while Cameron and Liam weren't here, most likely in a guest bedroom. And Andrew sleeping with Bella in his lap.

Lia starts moving around, speezing me even more, making me groan out of pain. I look at my shirt to see the blood all over it, but it couldn't been seen much since it was a dark coloured shirt. some even on Lia's hand.

I then look at my arm to the see the wound hand stopped bleeding and the blood was dried up.

I focus back on Lia to see her blinking her eyes open. She opens her eyes completely before looking at me. She smiles, rubbing her eyes.

She sits up on my lap and hugs me, still half asleep and a smile on her face. "I thought you guys weren't gonna be here until tomorrow.

"we got the work done earlier and besides it is already morning. Plus I couldn't let you miss me too much, could I?"

She smiles, opening her eyes completely. She looks at my arm around her neck and notices the blood on it. "FUCK! why didn't you get that cleaned up yet! It's going to get worse!" She shouts looking t me in concern.

"For fuck sakes, shut up" I look behind her to see Andrew opening his eyes up a little.

"Sorry" she turns back to look at me "are you hurt somewhere else?" I nod pointing down on my stomach. She quickly gets up. "Why didn't you wake me up, it would've been hurting alot. Sorry. Wait here" she goes out the room.

After just two seconds later, she comes back in "where is the first aid kit?" She asks sheepishly. "There should be one in the kitchen, in one of the drawers."

She nods her head going back out and returning with the first aid in her hands. "Remove your shirt"

"If you wanted to look, all you had to do was ask bambina" but she looked like she wasn't in the mood for a joke and just glares at me until I do as she says.

She cleans up the wound and stitches it up before wrapping gauze around it. Then doing the same to my arm.

She then finally sets the first aid on the table and sits on my lap, hugging me.

"Seriously?" She asks ammused, looking down, where my jeans might, or might not have tightened.

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