ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 38.

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ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Wait no! YOU CHEATED!" Amelia shouts, slapping my arm...again.

Since she had slept at my office during the evening, she couldn't fall asleep now. Keeping me awake aswell...Which I didn't mind.

"That's how the game works bambina. Stop abusing me" I plead, removing the cards from infront of us.

"Admit it. I'm way better at this and you are clearly cheating." She says like a child, folding her hands against her chest.


She rolls her eyes, but a smile still playing on her lips as she lays down, pulling me with her. "Let's watch netflix"

"I have something better we can do" I say with a smirk on my face. Removing my shirt, I turn us over so I was now on top of her. My hand makes it's way inside her shirt, to her bare skin. I lean in to kiss her as my hand massaged her perfectly sized breasts.

She flips us over, her taking the lead as she sits on top of me and starts grinding against me, making me groan.

Just then the door suddenly opens and Andrew walks in with Isabella behind him. "There is a door there for a reason" I speak up, annoyed. Setting Amelia next to me on the bed. Still shirtless.

"It can't wait." He glances towards Amelia and looks back at me. "The location, we got it"

"Come on Lia, I need to show you something." Isabella suddenly speaks up, pulling Amelia out of the room.

I wear my shirt, walking out of the room, Andrew following me.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"I know you just said that to get me out of the room Bella" I say, falling down on their bed.

"True, but..."

"But what?" I ask, now feeling interested. "I think I might be pregnant" she said it so quietly, I would've missed it if it weren't for the silence. I raise up from the bed immediately, my eyes bulging out with surprise.


"I have been feeling nauseous from the past few days but haven't thrown up, I have also been getting headaches and I was supposed to get my period two days ago. I know periods can be late but I just can't help but feel this way" she whispers, sitting on the bed, staring at the wall.

I sit down infront if her, placing her hands in mine. "We are going to figure this ou-" the door opens, cutting me off completely. Vin walks in but then stares at us for a second before making his way back out. "I just wanted to say, Andrew and I wont be back until tomorrow" saying that he closes the door behind him, leaving us in silence once again.

"how about we both go and get you a few tests, yes? There should probably be atleast one pharmacy that is still open at this hour right?" Bella nods her head, smiling a little.

"Get changed and can I borrow a hoodie or something?" I ask, standing up.

"While you were gone to the warehouse, Vincenzo had called someone to fill his closet with clothes for you as you will be staying for a while. What's going on between you guys?" She asks with a small smirk on her face.

"I like him" I speak up, walking out the door and to Vincenzo's room. I enter the room, directly making my way towards the closet. Holy shit...

It wasn't just a walk-in closet. It had stairs. It was a whole mansion in here. Going in, it has this dark lit room with Vincenzo's suits in here. I look around to see two doors, walking into the left room to see it is dark lit as well but this has all his casual wear in it.

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