ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Where did you get the clothes from?" I ask leaning against her shoulder. "Oh lost and found, this is the best thing I could find." She says leaning her head against mine.

Just then I see Hunter come out of the showers, in the clothes Bella brought. "Thank you." He says sincerely looking at us.

"Its alright, come on let's skip." Bella says getting up.

We both follow her out of the locker room, the hallways now filled with people. We make our way out of the school gates, going towards my g-wagon.

We all sit in my car, Bella in the passenger seat, Hunter in the back and me driving

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We all sit in my car, Bella in the passenger seat, Hunter in the back and me driving. "Where do we go?" I ask putting on my seatbelt. "We can go to my place, Andrew is probably at work." Bella says rolling down her window.

Throughout the whole car ride Hunter told us about himself and how he lost his parents, he is actually our age-18. We told him about ourselves, excluding the part about me being black rose.

I know you all might think how no one can see the tattoo, well it's because I always conceal it. When I dont, I just wear full sleeves.

As we reach the house. Me, Bella and Hunter have already become great friends, I guess I should socialize more.

I park the car in the driveway and we all get off going in.

"Woah. This is the place you live in?!" Hunter asks looking around. "Yessir, isn't it nice" Bella
Says smirking. "Girly If I had this place I wouldn't bother going out." We all chuckle at that.

"LETS WHATCH A MOVIE!" I suddenly scream running towards the couch. "IM CHOOSING" Hunter screams, sitting beside me. "I'll get the snacks" Bella sighs going out the door.

Me and Hunter decide on watching Teen Wolf AGAIN, since who can say no to Dylan o'Brien?

Just then Bella comes with different snacks in her hands, putting them on the table. "Seriously? Hunter do you know Amelia has watched the whole series more than 3 times. SHE LITERALLY KNOWS ALL THE LINES." She sighs sitting down.

"Whatever. No sane person can get bored of this." I say smacking her head. Bella just shakes her head in disappointment and sits down on the single couch.

My neck starts to hurt in the seventh episode so I just lay down, keeping my head in Hunter's lap. He just looks at me raising his eyebrow in question while I just shrug going back to focusing on Dylan o'Brien.

I suddenly decide to just randomly shout. "DADDYYY" Hunter suddenly pauses the show looking at me weirdly while Bella just stares into my soul, glaring.

"WHAT THE FUCK" we all turn our head towards the door to see Andrew and Vincenzo looking angry, with three guys, that I haven't seen before, looking at the scene trying not to laugh.

I ignore the glares from Andrew and Vincenzo, getting up and towards the guys behind them, most probably the inner circle gang members.

First I go to a guy with brown hair and blue eyes, who by the way looks adorable and was staring at Hunter earlier.

First I go to a guy with brown hair and blue eyes, who by the way looks adorable and was staring at Hunter earlier

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"I'm Amelia!" I smile excitedly "I'm Cameron!" He matches my energy. "Do u like Dylan o'Brien?" "He is drool worthy" he replies drooling a little. I chuckle "I like you." I say to him.

I then move on to the next person who looked older than the others, around twenty-eight.

I then move on to the next person who looked older than the others, around twenty-eight

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"What's your name?" I ask looking up at him, since he is a bit taller than me. "Liam" he gives me a warm smile. I smile back then move towards the next person.

The next guy had blue eyes with blond hair.

"I'm Xavier babe" he smirks taking my hand in his and kissing the top of it, giving me a wink

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"I'm Xavier babe" he smirks taking my hand in his and kissing the top of it, giving me a wink. I smile sweetly at him before taking his hand, twisting it. He groans in pain as I finally leave it.

I finally turn towards Andrew and Vincenzo to see Andrew sitting on the couch with Bella in his lap, whereas Vincenzo glaring at Hunter who was standing a few feet away from Vincenzo awkwardly.

"Oh that's Hunter, he goes to our school." I say going towards them. "Hunter this is Vincenzo but you probably already know that." Hunter just nods looking scared "I think I should go now" he says walking towards the door.

Just as he is about to reach the door, Cameron comes infront if him. "You should stay for a bit plus I don't think you have anyone to leave you home since I only saw one car outside."

He takes Hunter by the shoulder pulling him towards the couch, which was now filled with guys.

I go towards Andrew and Bella from behind. "You are gonna get punished tonight" I hear Andrew whisper to her, I can basically hear him smirk saying that.

"Andrew you really shouldn't talk about that infront of me." I say suddenly, scaring them both, making everyone except Vincenzo laugh.

"This is my house" he says annoyed. I just shrug and sit on the floor since there was no space left on the couch. "Babe you should sit on lap, it's really comfy" I hear Xavier say and Vincenzo growls for some reason.

As I was about to reply, my phone rings. I check the number to see it's a private number. I look at it weirdly before picking it up.

"Did you miss me love?"

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