ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 51.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Keep quiet for fuck sakes, she is sleeping" I hear someone say, making me shift in my sleep.

"We are going to be late" I hear another voice say.

"Take Hunter"

"He's going but I also need a girl"

"I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE" I shout, getting closer to Vincenzo's body, heat radiating off of him. "What am I going to be late for?" I suddenly perk up, opening my eyes to see Bella in the room.

"School, I would let you sleep but I don't wanna be alone" she starts to tear up. Her hormones make me feel guilty over nothing.

I sigh, getting up, holding the sheets to my body. "I'll be down in a bit" her mood suddenly changes into a happy one as she leaves a kiss on my cheek, leaving the room.

"You don't need to go. I'll just pay someone off to go with her" Vincenzo says, pulling me back down towards him, burying his face in my neck.

"Let go" I try to push him away. He chuckles, holding onto me even tighter. "Never"

"Come on you can stay home today, besides I think your ass still hurts, no?"

"And whose fault is that?" He mumbles out a sorry, leaving small kisses all over me. "I'll go shower, pick out an outfit for me" I peck him on the lips, getting out of bed.

After a much needed shower, I make my way out, wrapping a towel around me. "How's this?" He asks as soon as I step out. "Cute" I say looking at the outfit he picked out.

It was a black crop top with black jeans along with a black, patched jean jacket. "Undergarments?" I ask him, he smiles cheekily before pulling out black lacy lingerie.

 "Undergarments?" I ask him, he smiles cheekily before pulling out black lacy lingerie

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"Seriously" I glare at him but wear it nonetheless. "I love my choice" he says sighing dreamily as he looks at me in the black lace set.

He gets a call and as he picks it up, I continue getting dressed. Since I didn't have time, I just leave my hair as it is, not bothering to wear makeup.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod. "I need to go to a meeting so I won't be able to drop you off"

"It's fine" I say pecking his lips. "Take any car from the garage"

"I'll see you after school" I say waving and leave the room, going downstairs. I notice Bella and Hunter waiting for me and I say a quick goodmorning before we all leave. I would've taken another car but I adore my g-wagon.

"Amelia for the love of god try to be quite at night" Bella sighs after a while. "And you are filled with hickies"

"Hunter was I too loud?"

He blushes, nodding his head. "Atleast I wasn't having sex on someone else's couch" I say looking at Bella. "Or making out near the main door for everyone to see" I say looking at Hunter.

I don't know how it happened but it happened so quick not giving me enough time to reflect it as a car comes from front almost crashing into us. I was quick to turn the wheel, crashing into a pole.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask looking towards Bella in a worry. She nods her head and looks at Hunter making sure he is okay as well.

"Amelia I think we should run" Hunter says suddenly looking behind us. I turn to see men filling out of the car which almost hit us. But I recognised them. Russians.

"Lock the doors, quick" I try to start the car, but it doesn't. Fuck. My breathing starts getting heavier as they get closer. "Call, call someone"

I take out my phone calling Vincenzo's number. He doesn't pick up. I try a few times before giving up. "Is Andrew picking up?" She shakes her head, placing a hand on her belly. "Cameron?" The look of disappointment was enough for me to know the answer.

The bracelet. I still had it. I tap on it five times but nothing happens. "Is it even working?" I shout out, annoyed.

The last thing I remember is one of the windows breaking before it all went black.

Vincenzo's POV:

"I look forward to working with you" I shake his hand, just closing a deal of billions, the boys behind me, having a conversation with other people if their group.

The deal I just closed was of my legal business which meant it didn't include killing anyone or selling drugs.

My phone suddenly starts beeping, but it was on silent. I take it out in confusion but realise it's from Amelia's bracelet.

"Excuse me" I say, leaving the conference hall. I check my phone to see missed calls from her. Fuck. I run towards my car, following the last location the Bracelet showed.

I call Andrew, taking a turn "Get out of there and trace Bella's phone and Amelia's. NOW. Get all the guys to look for them " I shout angrily, worried something had happened to Amelia.

As I reach the spot it last showed, it was empty. Deserted.

"FUCK" I shout, pulling back on my hair. Going to where her phone showed it was.

Sorry for the bad chapter, I was half asleep while writing this. But I'm gonna keep updating twice or more a day since I'll start exams soon and wont have time to write for weeks!

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