ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 55.

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ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"We just recieved a video" Xavier says panting as he walks into the room where Dante, Bella and I were located. "What video" I ask, getting up, making my way down to where the hackers were. "We should probably not show this to Vincenzo" he says, ignoring my previous question.

"I will not ask this again. What is in the video?" I ask more sternly this time. "Amelia" is all he says, turning the laptop my way. I dont even watch five seconds of it as my blood boils, shutting the laptop. "Trace this"

I send the video on my phone, asking Bella, who was now crying, to stay with Antonio. I walk out of the warehouse, driving to Vincenzo's house. Walking in, I check the living room and kitchen to see it empty, I check his bedroom and finally make my way towards the guest room to see him on the couch, eyes closed.

But as soon as the door creaks open, his eyes flutter open. "Is he awake?" He asks, running a hand through his hair. "We received a video"

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I take the phone from Andrew's hand, opening the video. Amelia laying there naked with two guys on top of her, she was unconscious with bruises covering her body. I should've given her a ride to school that day, it's my fault.

I throw the phone against the wall in anger, breaking it into peices as Andrew just stands there. "Let's go" Andrew says suddenly, making me look up. "Where?"


ᴅᴀɴᴛᴇ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I watch as Isabella stays beside Antonio, him not moving one bit. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement. He was like a younger brother to me, I watched him learn, I thought him how to fight.

He suddenly starts moving, making me get up as Bella seems to get more alert too. He flutters his eyes open, blinking to get used to the light. He looks around, his eyes stopping at us. "Isabella, Dante" he says in acknowledgement, smiling a bit before he starts coughing out blood again.

Isabella hurries to his side with a tissue box, helping him up. Mason walks into the room, looking at the scene unfold. "Call Vincenzo, tell him Antonio is awake" I say to Mason, before I walk over to Antonio.

"Vincenzo? As in the Italian Capo or someone else" Antonio asks

"Vincenzo as in your sister's boyfriend, the italian Capo"

He suddenly seemed to have remember something as he, gets up, "Amelia, I saw her" he starts coughing out blood again, this time his nose bleeding too. "Russia, they took her to Russia" he completes.

"You should take it easy" I say, since everytime he starts to talk, he coughs out blood. "Dante we need to find her, I saw her. Which Is why I'm basically as good as dead right now"

"Your nose" i say, ignoring his question. Isabella hands him a tissue as he presses it against his nose, trying to stop the bleeding.

He suddenly realises something and looks up. "Wait, she is dating Vincenzo?! Can she ever get a normal boyfriend who isn't in the mafia" he tries to joke, but groans as it suddenly hurts him.

"Get a doctor in here" I speak on my phone, hanging up.

Soon enough, a doctor walks in along with Xavier, Cameron and Liam. "New addition?" Antonio chuckles looking at me.

"No actually, they are Amelia's friends, Vincenzo's inner circle" I say, noticing Isabella still with tears in her eyes.

Just as the doctor finishes injecting medications, Andrew and Vincenzo walk in. Andrew going straight to Bella as he sits on the couch, bringing her with him. Where as Vincenzo seems to have been looking at them with what I can only describe as sadness and jealousy. He shakes his head a bit, turning his attention towards Antonio.

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"You must be Vincenzo" I nod my head, looking at him. He was covered in bandages and seemed to have just wiped off blood from his nose. But he was still smiling.

"And you are the dead brother Antonio" I reply, sitting on a chair, next to his bed. "Not so dead anymore" he grins.

"They were supposed to keep her here but I saw her by chance which is why they took her to Russia and left me for dead here" he gets straight to the point. "From what I can recall, they are not keeping her at a warehouse, it was a building I suppose"

"How are you alive" I ask the most obvious question

"I was never dead, they took me and set up a body with my stuff around it and set that building on fire. I worked for Klaus in exchange of him not hurting Amelia, I wouldn't even know he took her. It was a coincidental timing, when they came in w–"

He stops mid sentence and starts coughing, eventually it turn into blood. After a few more seconds, he stops and spits out blood in the can next to him.

"Get him water" I say to no one in particular, "they shot you" I say looking at the bandage wrapped up around his stomach. "Stabbed" referring to the stitches, "beat you up" I say, seeing him cough out blood and the bruises on his body.

I get up, picking out my phone. "Dr. Brown, come to the airport, I'll meet you there in an hour" I pause waiting for his reply. "I'll pay you triple the amount for one guy"

He says a quick sure and I hang up. "You are coming to Russia with us" I say to Antonio. "Bring him, leave Bella with bodyguards" I say to Andrew. "I'm coming" Isabella interferes.

"No you are not" "the fuck you are not" Andrew and I say at the same time. Fuck sakes, she is using her tears on Andrew again. "You will stay at a hotel, surrounded by bodyguards" Andrew sighs, getting up.

I look at the time, walking out of the room. "We leave in an hour"

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