ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 58

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ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Where is she?" I ask walking into the living room to see Bella crying and Antonio trying to calm her down. I make my way towards Bella, taking her from Antonio and placing her on my lap.

"What happened?" I ask Antonio but before he can reply, Bella speaks up. "She locked herself in the room and thinks it's all her fault"

"She wouldn't even talk to me" Bella says crying even harder. I wipe her tears, letting her cry as I just sit there. "I want tacos" she says suddenly. I chuckle and look towards Antonio. "Get her tacos" I say, throwing my wallet and car keys towards him.

"Come on you haven't slept. I'll wake you up once he gets back with your tacos" I say, picking her up and taking her towards our bedroom. I lay her down, closing the lights and leaving the room.

I walk to the room infront of ours, hoping Amelia might open it. I knock, waiting for a response. "Open the door Amelia"

When she doesn't, I take out my silencer and shoot on the lock, breaking it. I twist it open to see the room dark, Amelia sitting in a corner with her knees up to her chest.

"Go away" I hear her whisper. "Do you want to go see Vincenzo?" I ask instead. She looks up, her face filled with tears, nodding her head. "Come on" I say, carefully making my way towards her and help her up. "Go wash your face and we'll leave"

She nods her head, making her way to the washroom as I take put my phone, calling Valentino. "Where are you?"

"Meeting with the Rosso's"

I end the call, not saying another word. He was mourning by keeping himself busy, he never once even tried to join a meeting but since Vincenzo isn't here, he stepped up to take over the legal business.

I walk downstairs to see Xavier walking in. "Can you stay with Bella for a while?" He nods his head sitting on the couch. "Where are you going?" Just then Amelia walks in "to see Vincenzo" she says smiling.

Xavier looks at me uncertainly before nodding. "We'll be back in a bit, wake Bella up once" I pause looking at Amelia. "Once my brother comes back, then make sure she eats and get her what she asks for immediately or else her cravings will change and you'll need to go out again" I explain and walk out of the room.

"I didn't know you had a brother" Amelia says, sitting in the passenger seat. "Neither did I" I mumble, getting in.

"Why isn't Vincenzo at home? You said he was fine" she asks, glaring a bit. I glance towards her bruised covered face and look upfront, "yeah...he's fine"

"You know, I actually just remembered he had a meeting with someone and had to fly to Italy, he's probably on the plane right now." I say, stopping on the side road.

"Sorry, it totally slipped my mind" I say. "Is there somewhere else you want to go to?"

"When will he be back? Andrew he just got shot, can't anyone else go instead?"

"It's an important meeting...I'm sure he will text you once he gets there" she looks down, playing with her fingers before nodding her head slowly. "Did my dad call?"

"He thinks you are out of country for a school trip"

"Let's go back then, I don't want to go anywhere else" I nod my head, uncertain. Starting the drive on the road once again, but stop infront of a icecream shop. "Vincenzo asked me to take you to a ice cream shop once you wake up, he said you liked them."

"I'll take three and no less" I nod my head, taking cash out from under the seat. "What flavours?"

Amelia's POV:

I watch as he goes in the icecream shop and wait for a few seconds before picking up his phone from the middle compartment. Ha, no password.

I check his calls from a few days ago up until today. No Vincenzo. I furrow my eyebrows, opening up his messages. No Vincenzo. I notice him coming back and put the phone on silent before placing it in my pocket, covering it with my shirt.

I put a smile on my face as he opens the door, handing me a bag. "The flavours you asked for are yours and the others are for Isabella"


Hey ya'll!! How are you all doing?

I just failed my physics exam 😀

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