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2 months later.

Amelia's POV:

"I'm pregnant"

"I'm pregnant?" Vincenzo asks, furrowing his eyebrows together, looking at his stomach. He suddenly looks up, eyes wide. "WAIT I'M PREGNANT?!"

"No WHAT? YOU ARE PREGNANT?" He asks, coming my way. I nod my head and he kisses my cheek, getting on his knees in front of me, raising me shirt a bit, planting a kiss on my stomach, caressing it lightly.

He picks me up, placing me on the bed gently. "You shouldn't be standing up" he frowns, looking around before he finally figures something out in his brain as he places a huge comfort on top of me. "We should keep your stomach warm right?" He lays beside me, his hand draping over my stomach.

He stays like that for a moment before he suddenly gets up, going under the comfort and I look at him confused, removing the comfort from on top of me.

He glares at me before he pulls up my shirt, going in between my legs, holding onto my stomach. "It's ours" he says suddenly, looking up at me.

I smile, playing with his locks as he talks to my stomach with a smile on his face. His phone starts ringing and he gets up, putting it on speaker before he once again places a comfort on top of me making me glare at him. "It's hot" I whisper as the phone was on speaker and he glares back at me, coming in beside me.

"Ciao Capo"

"Ciao" he replies, caressing my hair.

"Capo, the crate that came in today, has at least thirty percent of the drugs missing and we think it's Rorez"

"Think?" He furrows his eyebrows, his voice slightly angrier than before. "Some of Rorez's men were spotted in that area not long after"

"Set up a meeting with him" he says angrily, ending the call.

He looks at me, his features softening, "bambina, when did you find out?" He asks, placing a hand on my stomach, acing his head on my chest. "I was feeling nauseous and sick so I asked Bella to go to the hospital with me" I reply. "That's where you were? You told me you were getting ice cream" he looks at me.

I chuckle, nodding my head. "Do you think it will be a girl?" He asks suddenly after a while. "She would have the luxury of everything"

"What if it's a boy?" I ask "then the same would imply to him"

"Should I double the security around house?" I shake my head. Before I could even speak up, he takes out his phone, already calling the main head of security.

My mind going back to when Bella was pregnant and Andrew had done the same thing, making me chuckle.

"Do you want to eat anything? What do you want to eat? Do you need to take a walk? Or stay in bed rest? Or-" I cut him off by pecking his lips, making his stop the rambling. And apparently, he is a mafia boss. The most feared one at that.

"I'm fine, I don't need anything and I'll let you know if I want to eat anything" he looks at me for a moment before sighing in defeat.

_ _ _

"Are you going to find out if I'm gonna have niece or nephew today?" Andrew drops on the couch beside me, taking the packet of chips from my hands, making me glare at him. "Yes" I reply and he makes a face as he swallows the chip.

"What kind of crappy flavor is this?" He looks at the packet. "She mixed it with pickle juice and different spices" Vincenzo says, coming into the living room, sitting between Antonio and I, placing a arm around me shoulder.

Antonio fakes out a gag, walking out of the room, whispering something in the lines of..."I should report this as food assault"

"Ready?" He asks and I nod, getting up with Vincenzo and walking towards the garage. "I want chalk" I say suddenly and he glances towards me, starting up the car.

"Chalk?" He makes a face and I nod. "Is that safe?" He asks and I shrug, wanting to eat chalk.

"How about this, I'll ask the doctor and get you chalk if it's safe...after your checkup"

Vincenzo's POV:

As soon as I say that, she starts to tear up making me feel bad. I try to console her while driving at the same time but she pushes my hand away, breaking down even more.

"I-" sniff, "I just wan- wanted chalk and" pause, "and you can't even get it for me, I really want to eat it" she starts crying harder.

I frown, stopping in front of the clinic. "I promise I'll get you chalk right after your check up"

"You- you don't love me anymore" she sniffs, "that's why you won't get it for me" I place a hand in my coat pocket, taking out the small bracelet, showing it to her. "I promise I'll get it for you" I say and she quiets down, looking at the bracelet.

Yes I carry jewelry around just incase I screw up.

She throws the bracelet on my lap, crying even harder. "You are trying to buy me over with money" she states. Fuck.

After fifteen, agonizing minutes Amelia finally stops crying, agreeing on coming into the clinic with me, making me sigh in relief.

_ _ _

"There's two of them?" I ask, looking at the screen, my hand holding Amelia's. "Yes, they are twins. One boy and one girl" the doctor smiles, congratulating us.

I turn to Amelia fo see her tearing up again. I'm never getting her pregnant again. I sigh in mental pain, ready for what's coming.

_ _ _

"Athena and Ambrose" she smiles, looking at the- our babies in my arms, making me smile as well.

"Athena and Ambrose" I smile.

A/N: ‼️

HEY SWEETIES! Is this ending better? I will be editing the book completely, correcting all the grammatical mistakes and chapters that were irrelevant.

But I hope y'all enjoyed the journey we had together, from wanting to be Amelia to wanting to kill klaus. And I sure do hope you enjoyed the book.

If you did, I would love it if y'all would leave comments, telling me what you liked or disliked about this book. And I would love it if you would tell me the mistakes I made through out the book so I can learn from that in the future.

And I'll soon be uploading a sequel book. "Mafia's Princess" where it would follow the life of Amelia and Isabella's kids.

A new set of plot and challenges, a new group of friends (that I wish I had) and new love interests.

I love y'all and hope you guys continue to support me, despite the book ending <3

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