ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

As I get out the car I notice Cameron, Liam and Xavier already there, waiting for us, along with a few other people who seemed to be there as bodyguards, for protection. "Where are Andrew and Bella?" I ask looking at Vincenzo.

"They will be here in a bit." He replies shortly, walking towards the guys. "Why is she here?" "WAIT IS SHE REALLY AN ASSASSIN?"

"No Xavier, I'm not an assassin." Saying that I walk towards the gates, which had alot of guards. Ha he got new people.

"Stay beside me." Is what Vincenzo says before walking through the gates, entering the warehouse. I follow him in, with the guys behind me. As we enter we are greeted by a few guards telling us Dante will be here in a moment, and that we should wait in the office.

As we reach the office they tell us to wait outside, saying Dante is in a meeting right now.

After five minutes of waiting, I notice a few guys come out the office. One of which I knew too well. But fortunately they didn't see me and walked out, talking to each other.

Some one comes to us saying we can go in, Vincenzo walks in, but as I try to walk in one of the guards stops me saying I need to have an appointment and only Vincenzo and the guys can go in.

"She's with us." I hear Cameron say but the guard doesn't let go of me. "She can't go in." Vincenzo comes out "he said she is with us."  He says pulling out a gun, which wasn't a great idea since everyone pulled their guns out on Vincenzo.

I notice this and try to find a familiar face. "You" I shout looking at the kid who I used to train. He turns around looking at me in recognition, "you know me right?" He furiously nods his head, coming our way.

He whispers something in the guards ear for a minute, finally leaving. The guard looks at me with fear in his eyes. "I'm sorry Ms.Black I- I didn't know it's you." He says looking down.

He let's go of me saying sorry over and over again. "Babe how do they know you?" I hear Xavier whisper from behind. "Let's just say I have connections."

Vincenzo walks back in, with me behind him and the guys behind me. As I walk in I notice a long table, with Dante at the head of it, Mason beside him and two unfamiliar guys all talking to each other.

Vincenzo clears his throat, getting thier attention. "Ah you are here." I hear Dante speak up. I finally move from behind Vincenzo, coming in view. "Amelia" I nod my head, knowing i can't hug him infront of the two unfamiliar people, since he has a reputation to uphold.

"You both, out. We will continue this later." Mason says noticing me staring at them. Once they both are out the room I screech with excitement and go towards Dante, hugging him.

He laughs pulling back, ruffling my hair a bit. "Hey Mason" I smile. "Hey" he laughs.

"Alright you guys can start your meeting. Dante I'm gonna go see around, can I have your phone?" Dante nods his head, giving me his phone. As I turn around I notice all three guys looking at me in shock, while Vincenzo in anger?

I smile at them, wave a little and go out the door, leaving them shocked. I go on the lower floor, as we were on the second floor right now.

As I reach the first floor, I notice Bella and Andrew walk in. As I make my way towards them "You aren't dead yet?" I turn around to see someone I really didn't want to. "Oh she is alive too." He laughs looking behind me.

I turn around to see Andrew and Bella standing behind me. Andrew looked like he could punch someone to death, while Bella just smiles staring at him.

"Alex, I see you are still as cocky as ever." Bella says coming beside me. He just laughs winking at her.

"Are you still whoring around love?" I scowl looking at him "don't call me that." I say coldly. "Oh right, I forgot only Klaus calls you that." I look at him in anger, my hands curling up into fists.

"Lia calm." Bella whispers from beside me, opening up my fists.

Alex laughs looking at my fists. "Oh is that Antonio's ring? Is he still six feet under the ground?" The next thing I know is I'm punching him, tears spilling out my eyes.

I feel someone come up behind me, pulling me back. I look behind me to see it's Vincenzo. I look up to see all the guys, Dante, Mason, Bella, everyone staring at me.

"Get him to the infirmary" Dante says to no one in particular. "He brought up Antonio." I tell Dante, who was staring at me. "Take him to the basement instead, don't get him medication or food and water." His voice booms through the warehouse.

A few guys come, taking him away. "Follow me" I get out of Vincenzo's grip following him to the infirmary.

I give Dante his phone back since there was nothing interesting in it, when I tell you it's boring, I mean it's boring.

I remove the ring as the doctor was going to wrap my knuckles. Only Dante, Vincenzo, Andrew, Bella and I in the room, along with the doctor.

"Dante this time he crossed the line, he brought up Antonio." Bella decides to speak up, breaking the silence. "I will take care of it." Dante sighs, frustrated.

"Who is Antonio?" This time it's Vincenzo who speaks up. "My brother."

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