ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

Just then the gym door opens and everyone quiets down looking at the person who came in through the door. I look at the door shocked to see the person that walked in was non other than- "Is that...?" Bella asks speechless.

I nod my head in excitement getting up but I suddenly realise where I am so I sit back down beside Bella.

Mason Parker the third in command of the spanish mafia and if you are wondering who the second in command is- was. It was James, he used to be the second in command of the Spanish mafia and Dante's best friend. Unfortunately he died in a bomb attack and Dante didn't want to replace him with anyone else, so there is no second in command anymore. Back to Mason, he used to hang around alot when me and Bella were with Dante and we were friends, not really close but he was there for us if we needed him.


He walks in, everyone standing and gathering infront of him

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He walks in, everyone standing and gathering infront of him. Girls drooling, guys looking at him with envy while others with respect. Not gonna lie he was built really well, so it wasn't shocking that guys looked at him with respect and envied him at the same time.

Bella and I stay at the back since the girls were basically pushing so they can be infront.

"My name is Mr. Parker, you can call me that or you can call me sir." His voice booms through the gym. Everyone nods their head looking at Mason. "I will be your gym and sports teacher from now on since your old teacher has unfortunately passed away." Everyone starts whispering at that and after a few minutes they finally stop realizing there is still a teacher in room.

"Now if that's clear I would like to take the attendance. When I say your name move to the right side." Saying that he starts taking the attendance, after a few names he stops and looks at the paper for a few seconds before finally reading out the name "Amelia Black."

He looks through the students his eyes finally landing on me, his eyes filling up with recognition. "Here." I say moving to the right.

He looks at the paper a bit more before calling out Bella's name. "Isabella Martin." He looks up again, this time looking at Bella in recognition. "Here" she says moving beside me.

He continues on with the names for about 2 minutes until there is no one left. He then tells us to sit down in front of him in a straight line. Once everyone is seated he begins with his lesson.

"Ok so now can someone tell me what self defense is?" his voice loud and clear. "act of protecting ourselves" someone who I think is Adrian, says. "Is it only physical? or can it be verbal as well?" he asks again but this time directing the question to a girl sitting beside me. "It can be physical as well as Verbal."

"Can anyone tell me any strategies of self defense?" when no one answers I speak up "you should trust your instincts." He looks at me raising his eyebrow in question. "If something doesn't feel right, it's most probably not safe. Many women get enrolled into self defense classes after they have been assaulted and when they recount the incident, they often say the same thing. 'I had this bad feeling, but I told myself to stop being paranoid." I elaborate.

"Excellent, can someone give me more strategies?" "Present yourself with confidence." someone speaks up.

For the next ten minutes, he teaches us the strategies of self defense. After we are finally done with the strategies he starts teaching us different techniques, not like Bella and I need them but we went on with it.

"Alright the last one for today is how to break out of a zip tie and then you guys are done." Everyone cheers listening to him explain for 5 minutes before he starts tying everyones hands with zip ties. "Try to free your hands" he says and sits down in front, looking at us.

I quickly bring the zip tie up to my mouth, tightening it. When it is as tight as I could make it, I lift my hands above my head and quickly bring them down onto my stomach. My elbows flaring out like wings which causes the zip tie to break.

"I'm done" I say rubbing my wrists. I look up to see everyone except Bella and Mason looking at me in shock. "Does anyone have a problem?" I shout looking at them and going at the back, towards the benches. They quickly shake their heads in fear looking back down. After a minute Bella finally breaks her hands free and makes her way towards me.

"Everyone stand up and form a line, we only have five minutes left so I will cut the zip ties and we can practice again next time." Mason says getting up with scissors in his hands.

Just as he is done the bell rings and everyone walks out. When everyone is out, me and Bella both look at each other before running towards Mason with full force and tackling him down in a hug.

He chuckles hugging us back before getting up. "We missed you" Bella says. "I missed you guys too" He smiles "what are you doing here?" I ask him leaning my head on Bella's.

"Dante knows you both now live in this town, so he moved the whole gang here. And he asked me to come to this school as a teacher and to keep an eye on you both incase you guys get in trouble." Bella and I both nod in understanding. "By the way Lia what the fuck happened to you. You came house drunk and the next thing I know, the Italian boss, his right hand and inner circle along with Bella break into your house."

I scratch the back of my head looking at him nervously. "About that I will explain everything to you later"

He looks at me raising an eyebrow but nodding his head anyways. "Here is Dante's number" he hands me a piece if paper before getting up. "you guys need to go now since I have a class in like 10 minutes." He rolls his eyes "I swear to god I'm gonna kill Dante for this. I HATE KIDS!" he shouts dramatically.

Bella and I chuckle going out the door, making our way to the locker room. We take a quick shower and change into our regular clothes.

"Food." I agree.

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