ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

She sits in, slamming the car door shut. I cringe and look at her in annoyance before speading towards the school.

We finally reach school and I look at the time to see its 8:46 which means the first period is already over- fuck. I walk in the school door, dragging Isabella with me towards the lockers. I check the schedule to see I only have three classes today. One of which was already done.

We had english now so I take out mine and Bella's books, dragging Bella with me to the class. I open the door to see the whole class quiet down. "Why are you la-" I groan and just tune the teacher's voice out, going towards the back of the class.


I finally sit down at the corner seat, Bella sitting beside me. I look towards Hunter's seat to see him missing. "Bella did anyone drop Hunter at his house?" I whisper shout. She yawns turning towards me "yeah, Cameron went with him." She sighs keeping her head on the desk.

The whole class went by quickly with me and Bella talking.

As soon as the bell rang I am the first one out my seat, taking Bella's hand and running out. Finally feeling awake.

We reach my locker and just dump our books inside, then going towards the locker room since our next class is gym.

Huh. this is will be my first gym class here.

We reach the locker room and I finally realise something. I don't have any extra clothes for me to exercise in. I look towards Bella in my best smile, to see her already with clothes in her hand, extended towards me.

I thank her quickly changing into the sweats and top. But I realise I forgot to conceal my tattoo today since I was wearing a full sleave. I quickly take out a jacket from Bella's locker, wearing it.

 I quickly take out a jacket from Bella's locker, wearing it

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We both make our way to the gym quietly. "Bella I'm hungryy" I whine holding my stomach. "Sameeee, this is the only class left for today then we can go get food"

I nod my head opening the gym door and entering in.

I look over to see the class is combined with girls and guys, which is shocking since most schools have different classes in sports for guys and girls.

We make our way to the benches sitting down lazily.

"Have you seen the new gym teacher?"
"I heard he's hot"
"I saw him, he is totally hot"

That was all what everyone was whispering about. I look towards Bella to see her already looking at me. "We have a new teacher?" she asks shocked looking at me.

"How would I know, I'm new remember. Anyways what's so shocking?" I ask bringing a hand through my hair. "Nothing, it's just that the last time there was a new teacher was like- never." I says exaggerating a bit "Understandable" I shrug.

Just then the gym door opens and everyone quiets down looking at the person who came in through the door. I look at the door shocked to see the person that walked in was non other than- "Is that...?" Bella asks speechless.

Alright so this is a small chapter.

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I've been trying my best to write but I have exams going on right now so I've been focusing on that mostly. But I will start writing more once I'm done with my exams.

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