ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 53.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I open my eyes, getting the sudden urge to puke. Looking around I see no one in the dark room. The bile rising up my throat.

I vomit all over next to me on the ground, some even getting on myself. Just then they open the lights once again, Klaus walking in with two different men. He looks beside me and cringes, coming towards me from the other side.

"Don't mind them love, they are just going to take you out for some tests before we can begin" he states, "and we should get you something else to wear shouldn't we?"

He walks out of the room and truly enough, the two guys grab me, dragging me out of the empty room.

I couldn't fight back and I hated that. I hated the fact I couldn't even try to do it. They take me into a bright lit room, filled with medical equipments and a bed. Laying me on the bed and handcuffing my hand to it. Like I could move anyway.

Another guy walks in and starts working, taking a blood test first. It wasn't shocking this was filled with guys. The only thing Klaus thought girls were good at was for fucking.

He does something else and injects me with something once again. "You can take her. It's done"

The guys drag me out but take me towards a different direction from the one we came from. They take me into a room and remove my clothes, making me shudder with disgust. After I'm completely naked, my skin comes in contact with cold water, lots of it.

But that was it. That's what they do, before picking me up naked and taking me out of the room once again, my body exposed to all the guys as they walk past us. They bring me into a room, this one had a single bed in it and a dull lit light above it.

Throwing me on the bed, they look at each other before walking towards me, unbuckling thier belts. "How about we have some fun sweetheart" one of them says, smirking

They remove their shirts, sitting next me and tying a cloth around my mouth, making it a little hard to breath. I whimper as one of them grabs me by my thigh tightly, most likely leaving a bruise as he opens my leg.

Whatever the doctor had injected me with was not what they had been giving me. I wasn't drugged up right now but traces of the previous drug were still in my blood.

They start leaving wet kisses all around my body but as I try to move, one of them hold my arm roughly, pulling me onto of him.

"This ones feisty" he says to the other one as they both start laughing. One of them brings down his pants, coming near me and roughly picking me up, setting me on the hard ground.

"We'll make it work" he replies as he brings down his boxers infront of me, leaving him naked standing there as he yanks me by my hair harshly and his other hand around my mouth.

I try to pull away but it just seems to make him angry as he suddenly pushes me, my head hitting the ground, making it all go black.

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Get the fuck up and leave. You are not much help anyway" I say standing up, ready to make sure Bella leaves before Andrew gets back to the warehouse.

I bring up the glass filled with alcohol to my lips, downing it all in one go before lighting up a cigarette and walking out of my office, pulling Bella with me.

I take her to Liam as he was the most mature one out of the other two, asking him to drop her off at the house. I get a call from Mason, Dante's right hand man and pick it up, hoping they had found something, anything.

"Come at the warehouse. Now."

"Did you find something?" I ask, looking at Bella who seems to suddenly be interested in my call.

"Her brother. Amelia's brother, he's alive" this seemed to have gotten my Attention as I walk out of the warehouse, grabbing Bella by her arm and pulling her with me. I put out the cigarette, settling in the car with her.

"What do you mean alive. How the fuck does someone who Is buried-" I stop myself mid sentence, remembering what Amelia had said. They never really identified the body but given the things he was found with, they identified him as her brother. "Unless someone faked his death" I complete.

I pull out from infront of the warehouse, Bella in the passenger seat of my car. I call Andrew and he finally picks up after the third ring "where are you?"

"I'm on my way back from meeting Boulevard."

"Come to Dante's main warehouse directly, right now" saying that, I hang up, taking a sharp turn.

"Did Amelia's father ever take a DNA test to check if the body they found of Antonio was really his?" I ask after ten minutes of silence, glancing towards Bella as she shakes her head. "They said the body was too badly burnt" she pauses, "why are you suddenly asking me about this"

"Turns out he is fucking alive." I mumble to myself, stopping infront of the warehouses, where Andrew had already seemed to be waiting for me.

He looks at me then looks at Bella. "You should be home right now"

"You can discuss this later" I say, walking inside with both of them following me. Mason was already there waiting and asks us to follow him as soon as we enter, taking us to a scheduled area.

I walk inside the room to see a bloodied up man, wrapped completely in bandages, laying there unconscious on the bed, while Dante standing there in deep thought, not aware of us entering the room.

"T-that's Antonio" Bella says, tears forming in her eyes. This seemed to have gotten Dante's attention as he turns towards us. "How long since he's been unconscious?"

"Three hours"

"He's been here for more than three hours and now is when you decide to fucking call me" I shout angrily.

"We can't go to Russia right now, he might know where she is" Dante says, ignoring my shouting.

"You expect me to stay here when Amelia is going through god knows what and wait for him to wakeup" I say calmly, walking up to him. "Get a doctor and get him to wakeup. NOW!" I say, shooting a bullet on the wall next to him.

Andrew pulls me back, taking my gun away from me. "Why don't I call some of our men and ask them to go search some of the warehouses until then, we can stay here and wait for him to wakeup" he tries to explain.

"Until then you can maybe go sleep" he waits for my reaction, when he gets nothing, he continues. "You haven't slept in weeks and I'll let you know as soon as he wakes up"

"You want me to sleep?" I chuckle. "You want me to fucking sleep while she is gone" I ask punching the wall out of anger, my knuckles busting.

He sighs, massaging his head with the tip of his fingers. "Go home"

I look behind me to see Bella sitting next to Antonio while Mason and Dante stood there, not daring to interfere between Andrew and I.

"Fuck sakes" I sigh, punching the wall once more before leaving, making my way to the car.

Hey everyone! I hope ya'll are liking this book so far. Please do let me know if I make any mistakes, I would really like that.

And it would mean alot to me if you could go check out skplaysgaming 's book 'the mafia leader' and support her <3

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