ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 21.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Amelia, run!" I keep crying holding his body in my arms. "Please don't go" I choke up. Before I can say anything else, someone hits me from behind making it all go black.
"This isn't him, he always wears the ring I gave him." I say to my dad. They found a body of someone burnt and the face was too hard to recognize, with his ID card near it. Suspecting it's him. I mean he isn't dead why would they say that.

"Amelia, darling they found the ring." Dad says pulling out a ring, showing it to me. It was the same one, with his name carved inside.

"This isn't true, they are just trying to pull a prank." I say tears coming out my eyes. I fall down on my knees begging, please be a joke. "Dad it's not true, that's not him" I choke up, tears spilling out my eyes like waterfalls. I get up going towards the doctor.

"Please tell my dad it's a joke, that can't be him right? No, it isn't him." I beg getting down on my knees once again.

My dad comes near me,  asking the doctor to give us a moment. He takes me in his arms, tears coming out of his eyes aswell. "It's gonna be alright."

I wake up with tears in my eyes, and covered in sweat. I sit up and open up the drawer beside my bed to see the ring still there. I pick up the ring, tracing my fingers over it. "That wasn't him." I whisper to myself, tears spilling out my eyes.

It makes me cry harder since my dad still thinks he just happened to be in a building that went up in flames. That it was his luck.

He kept me safe until the end.

I check the time to see it's 4:30 , no use of sleeping. I get out the bed, deciding to take a long bath. I take out my clothes and lock my room door, going inside my bathroom.

Once I get out, it's already about to be 6. So I take my time blow drying my hair, and putting on makeup to cover my red eyes. And also decided on wearing his ring.

I look at the time to see it's already 6:47

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I look at the time to see it's already 6:47. Since I still had time, I go to my side drawer, opening it up to find all the pictures of us together. I smile looking at them.

The first time we trained together, I was such a bother. The time we both baked cakes, and mine one was a disaster since I had put in salt, so to even up the taste I had put in sugar too. I laugh looking at all the pictures and thinking about our memories together.

I didn't know how quick the time flew by, but Bella was already here. She had called me, saying she was outside. I quickly take a pill to calm down my nerves, check my makeup and go out, locking the door. Putting a smile on my face.

"Hey" I say smiling as I get in the car. "Hii!" She smiles brightly "you are in a seriously good mood, what happened?" "I got that dick last night" she laughs, making me laugh with her.

She suddenly stops smiling and looks at me. Her hand goes up, holding my chin and examining my face. She then drops her hand and looks at my hand.

"Did the nightmares start again? And don't lie to me" she says seriously. I nod my head looking at her, tears burning in my eyes. Her eyes turn soft looking at me. She takes my hand, wiping my tears. "He doesn't wanna see you cry Amelia." She says softly, holding me.

After about ten minutes of comforting me, I finally quiet down. She gives me her makeup bag and starts the car. Since all my makeup had been smudged I had to wipe it all off and I decided to just put on some concealer.

"Vincenzo and Andrew wanted me to tell you, that the meeting is today."

"Wait really?" She nods her head. "They will come to the school after we are done, and from there we will follow them to wherever the meeting is." I smile "knowing Dante, probably his main warehouse. He likes to show off."

Atleast something good will happen today.

We reach school to see it in a havoc. Everyone touching the door getting vaseline all over thier hands, the ones going to the bathrooms to clean their hands, getting even more vaseline on thier hands.

We take our books, going to our first period which was Arts. We make our way through the hallways and go in the class, using a tissue to open the door. This was the only class that was quiet since this didn't have a teachers desk, so nothing was out of the ordinary.

I notice the class only had a few students, and for tables it had huge counters, but only 3 people on each. As Bella and I had a reputation, no one dared to sit next to us.

I put my head on the counter and close my eyes, until I hear the chair next to me scrape. I look up ready to shout until I see who it is. "Oh, it's just you." I say laying back down.

"Yeah" I hear Hunter's soft voice. After around two minutes I get bored and straighten up, taking out my phone. I open up the camera footage from the principal's office, showing it to Hunter and Bella.

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