ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 43.

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ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

It's so quiet and there is uncomfortable silence between the two.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Yes we just ate but it was fancy food.

"The burger from Texas" she says almost immediately. I nod my head, changing lanes towards the nearest Texas.

As I park my car near the shop. I look between Amelia and her step mother. should I ask her?or no?

"Do you need anything?" It's Amelia who speaks up, indicating her question towards Lucy. Trying to be nice. "Nothing from you" she snarls back.

"Cagna maleducata" I mumble as Amelia chuckles. (Tanslation: Rude bitch)

Amelia hands me a card, I notice it being the one with her money in it.

"I have mine" I say putting a hand in my pocket. It's empty. I look on top of the seat to see it empty aswell. "I stole your wallet since I knew you wouldn't let me pay" I look up to see the wallet in Amelia's hand.

I chuckle and place my hand under my seat, taking out a few notes from inside the box. I show her the money, making my way towards the shop.

There is cash in all my cars incase I need it for an emergency. Just a couple millions dollars and under the passenger seat, there are a couple thousands in each currency...cause you never know.

I look at the notes in my hand to see them being of one-thousand. As I enter the shop, it's empty other than the cashier.

I order a few drinks with alot of fries as well as alot of burgers. I also order onion rings with fried chicken...if we are eating, might as well go all in.

"That'll be two hundred fifty-nine dollars" says the cashier, who, let me tell you...was staring at me the whole time. I hand her a thousand dollar note, asking her to keep the rest as a tip.

She grabs the money from my hand, her manicured fingers touching my hands slightly.

"Thank you sir" she says, trying to be seductive, placing her hand on mine...at least she tried.

I lean in, my face barely meters away from hers, pulling out my gun and keeping it on the counter between us. "now listen here you cagna if you touch me one more time. I'll make sure this will be your last day on earth" I say harshly,

She looks at me and my gun, nodding with a few tears in her eyes.

"Get my order done. Quick" I say before leaving the shop and walking towards the car to wait there instead.

ɪsᴀʙᴇʟʟᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ: (at Vincenzo's house)

"There is something I need to tell you" I say suddenly, getting up from the bed, where Andrew and I were laying.

Since Amelia and Vincenzo had to drop Lucy off and they guys went to their houses, it was empty in here. The perfect moment to tell him.

"What is it Principessa" he asks, getting up a bit, his back against the head rest. I wasn't ready...but I had to tell him at some point.

I go to the bathroom, opening up a drawer and taking out the pregnancy tests from behind my stuff. I make my way back into the room, where Andrew was still seated patiently.

Tears start burning in my eyes as I look at him. What if he didn't want it? Will he break up with me? He looks at me, coming my way and wiping my tears.

He sits me down on the bed and sits infront of me. The tests still wrapped in hand tightly.

He notices that and asks me what that is. Taking it from me. At this point I'm full on crying. "I'm sorry, if you dont want it, I understand" I say, in between sobs.

"What are you sorry for?" He says, lifting up my chin. "It's not like making a baby is a one person job" he says smiling a bit, wiping my tears.

He sets the test on the bed side table, holding my hands in his. "Principessa I love you and I'm more than happy to have a kid with you. But I also need to know if you are ready to carry him or her for the next nine months"

"I want to keep it" I say between hiccups. "Well then, there isn't a problem is there? But there is something you need to tell me seriously" he says before handing me a glass of water, asking me to drink it. "Do you want to get married before or after the kid" he asks, setting my empty glass on the table and laying me down.

He lays down with his head in between my legs and hands on my bare stomach. Waiting for an answer. "Before"

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