ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15.

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ɪsᴀʙᴇʟʟᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

Andrew comes back to Lia's room with me sitting on the couch, pulling me on top of him.

As he starts to lean in we get interrupted by a groan, we look towards Vincenzo to see him looking at us in annoyance. "Get a fucking room." He says looking at his phone again.

"This is a roo-" I get cut off by another groan, we all look at each other before looking at Lia all together. A few seconds later she groans again before blinking her eyes open.

I walk towards the bed quickly, helping her sit up. She looks at me with confusion before realization finally crosses her face.

She looks down at her clothes mumbling a small thanks before looking behind me, probably at Andrew and Vincenzo.

She looks at me raising her eyebrow in question and I just reply her by shrugging innocently.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I look at Bella raising an eyebrow in question while she just shrugs innocently. I get off the bed going to my bathroom.

I go up to the sink, ignoring the fact I looked really pale, and take my brush out.

After I brush my teeth, I wash my face going out, back in the room. I look around to see Vincenzo on his phone and the other two gone.

I go in the gaming room to see Andrew with Isabella sitting on the extra couch talking while Xavier and Liam, who I didn't know were here, playing.

"Geez I didn't know I invited everyone over." I say playfully, coming infront of Liam and Xavier making them both groan.

"Move aside, I'm winning"
"Clearly I'm the one winning here, isn't that right babe?"
"Shut up dipshit"

You probably guessed who is who.

They both start arguing with each other somehow, making me roll my eyes. I go behind and pull out the plug for the extension, making all the TV screens go black.

"Shut it" I say going out, back in my bedroom. I sit beside Vincenzo, now feeling really bored.
"What you doing?" I ask laying down on the sofa, keeping my head on his lap.

He looks at me, not showing any emotion. "Texting" he says in his raspy voice and going back to his phone. "I'm boredddd" I whine hoping for an answer.

He just ignores me, continuing to use his phone. I groan and start to get up, but just as I'm about to, he pushes my head back down in his lap softly.

He closes his phone keeping it beside him on the couch, staring intensely at me. Just as I'm about to say something he cuts me off "stop hiding before I shoot you" he says calmly but it still seemed deadly.

I look at him confused as to why he said that "wha-" just then I see Xavier and Liam come in view, stumbling.

I laugh looking at them as they both smile sheepishly looking at me and Vincenzo. "Please don't tell me Andrew and Bella are making out on my couch" I say my face turning into a disgusted one as I think of it.

"Well more like sex-" Liam says cringing at the thought.

"BELLA YOU ARE BUYING ME A NEW COUCH" I shout on the top of my lungs making sure Bella hears it.

Vincenzo looks at my mouth with his hand, with a cringed look on his face. "Stop shouting"

"Won't your mom hear us?" Xavier suddenly says. "First she is not my mom, second is dad home too?"

"They came back a while ago, your dad just left your mom and went back."

"She is not my mom" I say again, this time making sure to glare at him. He gulps looking at me and mumbles a small sorry. Going to the bed.

After a few moments, "I'm bored, let's go out" I say again. When no one answers I get out of Vincenzo's grip standing in the middle of the room "If no one goes out with me, I will strip right here in the middle if the room for fun." Don't judge.

"Go ahead" Vincenzo says smirking. I look at Liam to see his hands covering his eyes, "I don't mind babe" is what Xavier says looking interested.

Vincenzo takes out his gun pointing it at Xavier. "Its loaded" he says carelessly. I look at the gun my excitement coming back to me. " OH MY GOD! IS THAT A DESERT EAGLE MARK XIX?!!" I suddenly shout going towards Vincenzo.

He gives me the gun carelessly, pulling me on top of him

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He gives me the gun carelessly, pulling me on top of him. So I was now sitting on his lap, admiring a gun.

"Ella es una asesina o algo así?" (Translation: Is she and assassin or something? {Spanish}) I look up to see Liam is the one who said that, he notices me looking and says "what I said is are you an assassin or somethi-"

"Sé lo que dijiste y no, no soy una asesina." I cut him off. (translation: I know what you said and no I'm not an assassin {Spanish})

(A/N : guys I'm not fluent in any language, these translations are from google translate so if you are fluent please correct me if this is wrong)

"You understand Spanish?" He asks shocked. I nod my head smiling softly.

"I can teach you some french" this time it's Xavier who says this with a wink.

I smile pointing the gun at him "it's loaded" I copy Vincenzo. I get up with the gun still in my hand. I go towards my phone texting Bella that we are going out, since she will probably wonder- after she is done with whatever.

"Let's go" I say pulling them all out the room.


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