ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Yeah. By the way guess who we are meeting next week!" I whisper yelled. Bella raises eyebrow in question, asking me to explain.

"I asked Vincenzo to let us meet Dante since they are allies with the Spanish mafia and he agreed. We gonna meet him next week, and thankfully he didn't question on how I know him." I say excited.

"Thats great news! But what's going on between you and Vincenzo?" She smirks looking at me.

"Nothi-" I got cut of by the teacher "MS. BLACK ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO WHAT IM SAYING?!"

"Oh you want my opinion?" I ask and the teacher nods. "Well, I think it's neither a romance or tragedy. I think it's just about two young teenagers who were rebelling against their parents or were infuriated with the idea of love. Juliet wanted to rebel and Romeo was throwing a fit about love."

"But how? There is not really any proof of that
whatsoever. I think that it's both. They both obviously love each other, making it a romance, but everybody dies or ends up sad, which makes it a tragedy," Someone speaks up. I turn to see a guy my age or a year younger, with a beanie on looking at me.

 I turn to see a guy my age or a year younger, with a beanie on looking at me

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"Romeo loved the idea of love. This was reinforced with the fact that he was love-sick for Rosaline in the beginning and then quickly got over her when the willing Juliet came along. Mercutio and Friar Lawrence are continual voices of reason on this subject and speak to
Romeo of his fleeting romance. Why point that out if not to inform the audience of the superficiality of Romeo's love? And then, Juliet was rebelling against her parents. We get introduced to Juliet and almost immediately find out that she is destined to be married to a man she does not love and has barely met. We know that she doesn't desire this, she wants the chance to love someone of her own free will. And Romeo comes along. A perfect chance for her to choose," I say with a smirk on my face, knowing that I made my point, or at least thought I did. I hope I did.

"But Juliet can't rebel against her parents, 'cause she says that she wants to agree with her dad for marrying Paris, 'cause it will make him happy. And Romeo loves his family, so why would they kill themselves if not for loving each other?"

"The fact that their families are feuding only fuels their passion for each other because they are a forbidden romance. I doubt if they had no reason to stay apart, they most likely would have gotten tired of one another once their infatuation faded, as most infatuations do.They
both killed themselves out of stupidity," when I finished my point, the whole class was silently staring at us. I roll my eyes when the bell rings, breaking my gaze with with the guy.

Everyone starts going out the classroom and I start putting my books inside my bag, Isabella waiting beside me patiently.

"Hey i'm Hunter" I turn around to see the guy from earlier- who was arguing about Romeo and Juliet. I just nod my head and leave the room Bella following behind me.

"What do we have now?" I ask. "Umm holdup-let me check."she takes out her phone to check and says we have lunch now. Finally.

We both make our way to the cafeteria, slamming the door open making the whole cafeteria go deadly silent as everyone stares at us.

We both make our way to a table sitting on it. I finally look towards then nosy ass people "STOP FUCKING LOOK AT ME!" I say a bit loudly which makes everyone turn there heads and start talking again. Bella chuckles looking at me while I just give her a death glare.

"I'm gonna go get us some food." Saying that she is out of my sight. I keep my head on the table feeling sleepy. After around 2 minutes it feels quite- too quite. I look up to see Chanel holding an empty cup and Hunter soaked up with a pink smoothie.

I look around to see everyone just staring, not doing anything and Bella not in view. I finally stand up and go towards Chanel, grabbing someone's drink on the way.

I remove the lid and pour all of it on top of Chanel- who screams in anger, turning around to face me. "Hey Sasha" I smile sweetly.

"You are gonna regret it you bitch!" She screams angrily as she throws a punch my way. I will now nicely murder her.

"SHE IS GONNA DIE NOW" someone screams from the crowd.

I curl up my fist and throw a punch her way. I then keep punching her until she falls on the ground unconscious and bleeding- "I guess you are gonna need a new nose job" I whisper.

I look towards Hunter, asking him to follow me. I leaving the cafeteria going towards the main gate. Halfway there I see Bella coming our way.

"Where were you?" I look at her "Nevermind" I say once I see the pizza box in her hand. She shrugs and looks behind me towards Hunter.
"Take him towards the locker rooms im gonna be back." she says and leaves.

I follow Hunter to the locker room- since I didn't know where they were. We go inside and I check the whole room making sure its empty. "What happened" I say coldly but nicely at the same time- Is that even possible?

"Chanel finds it funny to bully me because I live in a foster house- since my parents abandoned me." (A/N :guys just to be clear this is no reason to bully someone. And I have nothing against anyone, it's just for the book)

"Just Chanel?" I ask sitting on top of the counter. He looks at his feet and finally speaks up "A few guys from the football team and Chanel's friends."

"I-" I get cut off by the sound of the door opening. I get up to see Bella with clothes in her hands. "Go take a shower" she says to Hunter,
Then coming and sitting beside me.

"What happened?" She asks looking at me "please stop me from murdering somone" is all I say.

Hiiii how do yall like this chapter? SOMEONE IS GONNA GET A NEW GAY BESTIE.

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