ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 37.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Tesoro, smettila di prendertela con il tuo cibo e mangialo. Non hai mangiato niente tranne il gelato." (Translation: Darling, stop picking on your food and eat it. You haven't eaten anything except the ice cream.)

After we had cleaned up, he had brought food for me here since I didn't want to eat outside and just wanted to stay here.

I smirk a little looking at him "People might think you like me Vincenzo"

"Who said I didn't? Tell me bambina, have I not made it clear enough?" He asks leaning in. When I don't answer he stands up, coming my way, on the other side of the table.

He sits down infront of me, making it easier for me to look at him. "Non mi piaci?"

(Translation: do you not like me?)

"Non ho mai detto di no" I breath out, referring to what he had said earlier. He looks at me, satisfaction taking over his features as he goes back to his seat.

(Translation: I never said I didn't)

"Eat, if you don't like this then I'll go get something else."

"I like it"

After a while we both had finished eating and l ate alot...like alot. "Vincenzo, I have a food baby" I say rubbing my belly while laying on the couch in his office. He chuckles, looking up from his paperwork. "I can give you a real one" he says winking at me with a smirk on his face.

I blush closing my eyes, sleep consuming me.


ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I finish up my paperwork, looking at the clock to see it was already half past ten. I get up, making my way towards Lia, picking her up.

She had fallen asleep after eating so I let her until i finished my paperwork.

I unlock my door, walking out and towards the parking lot, with her in my arms. I set her in the back seats, laying her down and then make my way to the driver's seat.

As I'm driving back to my place, where Andrew and Isabella were staying at the moment, living on a prayer by Bon Jovi starts blasting through the car, breaking the silence.

I look at Amelia's phone to see it ringing. I look at the number to see it's a blocked number.

After alot of arguing in my head, I finally pick it up, putting it against my ear.

"It was really rude how you didn't let me speak last time."

I knew it was Klaus as his Russian accent could be heard. I send the number on my phone and block it from Amelia's phone.

I text one of my men the number, asking him to trace it.

After around ten more minutes of driving I finally reach my house. Parking my car, I get out, picking Amelia up with me. Making sure she doesn't wake up.

As I carry her through the house, towards my room, I notice her move and open her eyes for a split second before closing it again.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"I know you are awake bambina" Vincenzo speaks up as he sets me down on the bed, draping a comfort on top of me.

"No you don't"

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