ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

Cameron chuckles "when are we going?" I ask looking at Vincenzo who looked like he was having an important conversation on his phone. I then look at Cameron who answers my previous question. "Right now, so go get changed. By the way you can't wear anything too relieving because that would be unfair." I nod my head getting out the pool.

Going towards the bedroom, I notice the door slightly open so I just decide to walk in. "I'm coming in!" I shout before opening the door completely and walking in.

I walk in to see Bella laying on the bed. I hear the water running in the bathroom, so I guess that's where Andrew is. I look at Bella and motion my hands towards the walk in closet. Indicating I need clothes. Bella nods her head saying i can have whatever.

I thank her going in the closet and picking out a t-shirt with double waist mom Jeans. And I wear my own bra set that I wore today.

I quickly change and go out into the room to find it empty

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I quickly change and go out into the room to find it empty. So I go towards the kitchen to find everyone sitting there. I go towards Cameron "Let's go" he nods getting up. He walks out the room after saying bye to all of them.

"Bella I'll pick you up at around 5:30" I say walking out. Me and Cameron make our way to my car, I sit in the driver's seat whereas Cameron sits in the passenger seat. "Where to?" I ask rolling down my window.

"The mall" he replies shortly. I nod to myself and start up the car going out the driveway. "By the way, why do you have all that stuff in your back seats?" He asks with a raised I eyebrow.

"I'll show you tomorrow."I say excitedly and give him my phone. "Put in your number and add yourself on my insta." He nods his head doing what I told him to, then adding himself back from his phone.

We talk through the whole car ride and finally make it to the mall after around half an hour. The deal was Whoever gets more numbers wins. We both have exactly half an hour, then we meet at starbucks. We both wish our bad lucks and leave to different places.

Time skip

After around twenty five minutes, I have twenty-nine numbers with me, five of which were girls. I mean he never said we needed to get numbers from a specific gender.

I make my to starbucks and sit down waiting for Cameron, after around a minute or two he comes in with a grin on his face. "I totally won" he says confidently. "How many did you get" I ask leaning on my chair.

"Twenty six" he grins. I laugh looking at him "Twenty nine" is the only thing I say to change his grin into a frown. "You are buying me food"
He nods his head with a frown still on his face.

We make our way back to Andrew's house but not before stopping at Macdonalds on the way.

I stay in the car and ask Cameron to tell Bella I'm waiting for her in the car.

I take out my phone going through Instagram while I wait for Bella. I notice Cameron's posts on my feed and go to his profile where I see he had liked all his posts from my account. I'm not even shocked.

I see Bella come out so I sit up straight, putting on my seatbelt. She sits in, saying a small hey and putting on her seatbelt. "Shall we?" She smiles nodding her head "we shall".

I drive towards the school and we reach there in about 30 minutes. I park my car I few blocks away from the school just incase. We get out the car taking out the bags with us. During the car ride Bella had sorted the stuff into backpacks so it's easier to carry around.

We walk towards the school and jump on top of the gates so we can get in. We then make our way to the main gate that leads us inside the school and open it up, which wasn't really hard considering the security is pretty poor here.

I follow Bella to the main office quietly. As soon as we reach the office we start by taking out the tin foil.

After around two hours or more, the main office and some of the other classes are covered with tin foil completely, the gym has cups filled with water all over it, making it impossible to walk without making a mess. The middle drawers of all teacher tables replaced with different ones. And lastly Vaseline over all the door knobs.

I almost felt bad but then again almost.

We quickly finish everything up, take pictures and set up a few spy cams around school so all reactions get recorded. We then make our way out the school doors, locking it.

I jump over the gate making my way to the car, Bella right behind me. I start up the car, pulling out the parking, going the opposite way from the school. Back to Bella's house.

Throughout the ride we talked about everything and anything, reminding me of the old times.

I stop infront of her house and wait for her to pick up all her things. "I'll pick you up tomorrow" she says closing the door. I say a quick ok, pulling out the driveway, making my way back home.

Dad is still not home and my so called step mom is still a bitch. I would stop her but I know my dad loves her. He used to love mom too.

Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes as I wipe my eyes roughly, pulling infront of my house.

Hii!! I'm back.

Not my best chapter but hope you enjoyed it♡

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