ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

As I was about to reply, my phone rings. I check the number to see it's a private number. I look at it weirdly before picking it up.

"Did you miss me love?"

"Klaus" I whisper to myself but everyone heard me since it was really quiet. I know Bella heard me because of how her expression changed into concern and she quickly gets out of Andrew's grip, taking my hand and pulling me out of the room.

"Is- is it Klaus?" She asks looking concerned and scared. I just simply nod my head leaning against the wall, and throwing my phone away from me, not caring if it broke.

Bella quickly picks up the phone and ends the call, taking out the sim card and breaking it into two.

"He is not supposed to be here" I say in anger but deep down even I know that I'm scared.

"Who's klaus?" I turn around to see all the guys standing there. "Non of your fucking business" I reply rudely.

"Where is your Alcohol?" I look at Andrew. "In the kitchen second cupboard to your right" he replies carelessly. "I dont think it's a good idea" Bella trys to speak but I'm already out the room going towards the kitchen.

I take out a bottle of vodka and go out the front door towards my car. I unlock my car, driving away towards my house.

On my way there I think about why Klaus is back all of a sudden. He couldn't have come without a reason. My mind consuming with thoughts.

"You can't run away from me love"
"You are gonna die just like he did"
"I will come back for you"

As I finally reach my house, the bottle in my hand was half empty. I go inside the house locking the door on my way upstairs, I go towards the bath tub filling it with water.

As it finally fills up, I dont bother removing my clothes and just sit inside it, wetting my clothes. I just wanna feel numb.

I takes long sips from the bottle finishing it in a few sips. After a while I start feeling dizzy, as I try to get up, i can't. I couldn't get myself to get up, my body feeling too tired. That's the last thing I remember before it all went black.

ɪsᴀʙᴇʟʟᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Where is your Alcohol?" Amelia asks look at Andrew. "In the kitchen second cupboard to your right" he replies carelessly. "I dont think it's a good idea" I try to speak but she already out the room going towards the kitchen.

"Why would you do that?!" I shout looking at Andrew. "What? She looked like she needed it" he says looking bored, but even I saw a flash of concern in his eyes.

I just shake my head in disappointment, just as I hear the front door getting slammed, most probably by Amelia. "Fuck she cant go out like that." I whisper to myself but everyone hears it because of the pin drop silence.

"who is klaus?" This time its Vincenzo who speaks up. This is the first thing he has said since he arrived, I think it is because he was busy glaring daggers at Xavier and Hunter. It's obvious he has a thing for Lia but goes against his own feelings.

"No one important" I reply shortly.

Suddenly I feel hands around my neck pushing me against the wall. "Let me ask that again WHO THE FUCK IS KLAUS?!" He screams tightening his grip around my neck. "I-" I try to speak but his hold on my neck making it hard to breathe.

"STOP, SHE CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE" when he doesn't listen, Andrew pushes him away from me "I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING STOP" he punches Vincenzo hard on the face, making him come to his senses.

It's no secret that Vincenzo is the psychopath mafia boss who doesn't show mercy. He might threaten me but I'm not scared of him since I know he has his reasons, because so did Andrew.

"Get her water" Andrew says to no one in in particular, sitting beside me on the ground, wrapping his arms around me.

After a minute or two Cameron comes in view with a water bottle in his hands, he kneels down infront of me, giving me the bottle.

Suddenly we hear the front door open, I look towards the door in hope that Lia had returned. But it was just Vincenzo's brother, Valentino.

 But it was just Vincenzo's brother, Valentino

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"Wassu-" he stops looking at us. "What happened?" He asks but doesn't wait for an answer as he just turns around walking back out telling us about how he doesn't wanna get involved in whatever going on.

Andrew gets up pulling me up with him, securing his hand around my waist.

"Cameron can you give Hunter a ride home?" this time its Liam who speaks up. Cameron nods his head taking Hunter out the door.

Liam then looks at me "Do you want to tell us who Klaus is and why you both looked scared?" I shake my head looking down "It's not my story to tell." Liam just nods his had smiling softly. "Well then do you know where she might be?" He asks looking at me.

I nod "She is most probably at her house since she is new here and doesn't know any places, but the problem is I don't know where her house is." (A/N: guys just to clarify, Bella and Lia are best friends but she doesn't know where her house is since Lia just moved here.)

"I know where it is" We all turn our heads towards Vincenzo in question. "I dropped her off there once." He explains.

Liam nods his head. "Come on let's go"

We all make our way outside. Me, Andrew, Liam and Xavier all go in Liam's car, while Vincenzo goes on his bike.

We follow Vincenzo to a nice looking house. Stopping in the driveway, we all get off the car and go towards the door. I try to open it but its locked.

I look towards Xavier, since he is an expert in picking locks. He nods his head taking a pin from my hair, unlocking the door in a minute.

We make our way inside and check every room until we find Lia's room, I look towards my right to see a connected bathroom with all glass doors, so it is see through. And the first thing I see is Lia in the bathtub, with the empty liquor bottle broken beside her.

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