ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 56

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ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"I got the list you asked for" Cameron says, handing me a few sheets of filled paper. He turns towards Andrew, who was infront of me, doing the same.

He goes around the plane, handing a copy to the guys, Dante and Mason. I look through the list of all the buildings owned by Petrov and all types of abandoned buildings, cutting out the ones I was sure he wouldn't use.

After looking through it for five minutes, one of the buildings catch my eye. "Cameron, building fifty six. Is it in a surrounded area?"

He types on his laptop for a while before speaking up. "There are two other buildings next to it but other than that it is completely off the grid."

"How high are the other two buildings?" He points at the TV infront of all of us, a picture of a half done building with two medium sized buildings next to it. "Interior" he changes that to a picture of a unfinished room.

"We will start here"

"Why do you think that" I hear a voice from behind me, I look back to see Antonio walking into the room. "Why do you think she is being kept there" he elaborates.

"The room" is the only thing I say before pouring a drink.

Antonio's POV:

He didn't seem like Klaus, he seemed sincere, trying to find Amelia. "How do you know what the room they are keeping her in looks like..." I trail off, noticing everyone suddenly staring at me and Liam shaking his head. "There was a video" he says before leaving the room.

"What video" I ask, sitting infront of Andrew once Vincenzo is out of the room. "You don't really want to know that" Xavier says from behind me. "Trust me" he completes.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Did you really think I was stupid enough love?" Klaus asks– states as I spit off the pill. suddenly the two guys from earlier come in, making me move against the wall in fear. One of them takes out a syringe, handing it to Klaus.

"It's okay love" he says, pressing the syringe against my arm. Almost immediately my eyes start feeling heavy, the feeling of Klaus coming in top of me, before it all went black.

I wake up to someone opening up the door, my head pounding. "I'm glad you are awake, it wasn't fun without you screaming out my name. So we are going to try again" I hear Klaus say before he comes in view.

I notice the shirt I was in torn from the top. He comes beside me, making me shift. I push him with all the force I can master, but he just holds my hands in place and comes on top of me. "We will do it right this time" he says darkly, grabbing my breast.

"Stop" I whisper out, trying to free my hands. As I finally free one, I slap him as hard as I can, shifting back. He chuckles darkly, grabbing onto my hair and slapping me hard on my already bruised face. He doesn't stop there as he pulls out a knife and stabs my left thigh "this should be enough to teach you some manners, no?"

He unbluckles his pants as I cry out in pain. I give up. Mentally and physically.

He places himself on my entrance as tears stream down my face. I close my eyes as he thrusts himself inside me forcefully, making me scream for him to stop. He doesn't listen as he keeps going, my screams getting lighter, my body getting numb.

I suddenly start hearing bullets shooting around as I just lay there with tears streaming down my face and Klaus thrusting inside of me with my thigh bleeding.

He stops, pulling himself out and buckling up his pants, leaving the room while I just stared at the ceiling.

I don't know how long I stayed there with my eyes dropping and sounds of men shouting, bullets shooting.

I suddenly hear someone trying to open the door, as it doesn't open, they break it open and come into view. Vincenzo.

He looks around the room, his eyes landing in me as he puts down his gun, coming my way in a hurry. He stares down at me with all kinds of emotions before he quickly removes his shirt, tearing a part and tying it around the bleeding wound. He removes his bulletproof vest, placing it on top of me and places his coat on top of me as well.

"I missed you" he says softly, wiping my tears. "I-"

I don't get to complete my sentence as we start hearing bullets from near by. "We need to get you out of here" he says before picking me up and going out of the room with a gun in his other hand.

He walks down the stairs, where I see everyone fighting. He places me on the concrete ground, sitting infront of me as a cover, shooting the guys who were coming this way.

Once he shoots them, he turns around, placing a hand under me, ready to pick me up, but stops. His eyes wide as he looks down, two other bullets shoot before I shout out as he falls in my arms, his breathing shallow. I look at his bare back to see three bullet holes.

I shout out and look around for anyone I can recognize. "Stay with me" I say to him, tears falling down. "I'll be fine" he says as he flashes me a small smile. "Please don't close your eyes." I cry out, finally spotting Andrew.

"I love you" he whispers out, closing his eyes.

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