ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 64.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Words cannot explain how much I missed you" I beam with happiness as I lay down beside him. "I missed you too" he replies with visible sadness.

"What's wrong?" I ask

ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I stop in my tracks as I hear a voice come from inside the room, listening. "What's wrong?" I hear Amelia ask to someone, I couldn't see what was going on as I was out on the other side.

There is silence for a bit before she starts talking again but this time there was clear sadness in her voice, I walk in to see her beside Vincenzo, talking to herself. No phone, nothing. "Amelia" she doesn't listen as she keeps talking "Amelia" I speak up louder this time. She looks towards me and gets up.

"He doesn't- he doesn't want to stay with me" she cries, breaking down. "I don't want to do this anymore" she kneels down, her hands up to her face. "I can't do this anymore Andrew" she says, looking up at me.

I walk towards her, kneeling down next to her as she just stays there, crying.

Suddenly beeping starts going around and I turn to look towards Vincenzo to see something red on the machines. I hurry out of the room to the next, to call the nurse but see her already coming in.

ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

I don't know what was happening as I look through my tears filled, blurred eyes to see the nurses taking Vincenzo's bed out of the room, Andrew screaming something on the phone. I could see his lips moving but didn't hear a thing as my ears tune out.

The voice in my head getting louder, me trying to keep my eyes open, my eyes getting blurred.

I pull myself up, wiping off the blood coming out of my nose. It had been this way for weeks now, I'd get nosebleeds or vomit out blood out of nowhere.

I watch as Antonio, Liam, everyone starts filing in one by one. Antonio looks at me, hurrying towards me, holding me in his arms. "It's all going to be okay" he assures me.

"I hope so" I say, closing my eyes


"HE'S AWAKE! HE MADE IT!" Xavier shouts, coming into the room. A smile makes it's way on my face as I hurry out of the room and towards his room.

There he was with a smirk on his face, talking to Andrew like nothing was wrong. Hearing my footsteps, he turns his head towards me, his smirk turning into a smile "missed me?" He questions as Andrew just walks out, closing the door behind him.

I walk towards him as he sits up, wrapping my arms around him tightly, not planning on letting go anytime soon. "I hate you, I hate you so much" I whisper with tears.

"I know"

I don't know how long we stayed there. But I didn't care. I stayed there with his arms wrapped around me, holding me securely.


"How do I look?" I ask, turning around to face Vincenzo. "You are going to your best friend's wedding dressed like that?" He says, faking a disgusting shiver. "Yes" I roll my eyes, walking out of the door.

"I was just joking around bambina, you look gorgeous" he says, wrapping his hands around me from behind, placing his chin on my left shoulder, kissing my cheek.

I smile, pecking his lips. "Let's go" he says, holding onto my hand, leading me out.


He smiles, pecking my lips one last time before he brings me in between his legs, wrapping a comfort around us.

My back to his chest, his arms wrapped around me, large enough to cover most of my upper body, almost totally enveloped in him as I'm curled tightly against him. It looked almost as if he was trying to protect me, shielding me with his arms, trying to hold and cover as much parts of me as possible.

His arms felt heavier than usual, adding pressure and weight on top of me but it was a good type of pressure. The type that makes you realise that you aren't lonely and that someone is actually here.

The kind of weight that gives you reminder of comfort and reassurance.

Times like these I wondered what we looked like from a different point of view, what it would have looked like if someone had taken a picture of a moment like this.

I wondered and wondered, eventually bringing a faint smile on my lips when I pictured what we may have looked like.

"Amelia" I ignore the voice in my head, trying to get the feeling of this moment, trying to keep it forever. "Amelia"

"Amelia!" I open my eyes to come face to face with my brother, Antonio. "Stop dreaming, dinner's ready" he says, leaving the room.

I look around me to see myself back in my room, reality crashing onto me. Non of this was real. It was all a dream. It was my imagination.

I never got the feeling of comfort, I never met him. Never met Andrew or any of the guys.

In the end the story was over, never even there to begin with. I was stuck living in somebody else's happily ever after, a boring background character. I wanted more. I wanted to be something more. I wanted to change someone or save someone. I wanted the love people told stories about, but that is all it will ever be. A story.


I'm sorry for the disappointing ending but I just wanted to put that as an ending as this has happened to me way too many times. The feeling of comfort I get while day dreaming or reading but once it's over I realise it was never real and never will be.


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