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Author's Note: Happy new year to you all! I apologize in advance for the sad chapter :'(

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

Underneath the bridge
Tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets

Nirvana - Something In The Way


Vin is currently reading his monthly financial report with a frown. He can't really focus himself to the papers as his mind is wandering off to his younger best friend. The last conversation between Kana and that man seems to gloom the young writer even more, making the taller man feel worried for his best friend. Vin had asked for Kana to share it with him, but the latter declines the offer and directly goes to Sam's penthouse. Since then, he never had a chance to talk to Kana because of his work.

His thought is interrupted by knocks on his office glass door. Vin turns his gaze to the door and immediately see one of the familiar staffers through the transparent glass. The staff opens the door and peek as he motions with his thumb towards his back, "Boss. Someone is here to see you."

"Who is it?"

The staff was about to tell him the name when the guest himself suddenly pops out behind the staff, "It's me, Vin. I really need to talk to you. Please, let me expla-."

Vin's interrupts as he slams the report while standing up. His eyes go wide, disbelieving that the man dares to come here himself as well as annoyed to see the annoying face, "There's nothing to explain, Mike. I can't let you meet Kana anymore. I don't care what you did is right or wrong. But you make my precious friend cried. You frightened him. So please, stop bugging him for fuck's sake!"

Mike refuse to back down, "This is about his safety, Vin! Please. He's not safe if he keeps on involving himself with Sam."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I've already told you from the start to stop harbouring feelings for Kana. You're making all of this more complicated. Now you want to trash about his boyfriend? Really, Mike? You're willing to stoop that low for his attention?"

Mike huffs and shoves aside the poor staff as he letting himself into the office. Vin shouts, "THE FUCK?! DON'T YOU KNOW ANY MANNER?!"

The photographer barks back, "I DO THIS BECAUSE I CARE FOR HIM!"

The shouts and bold declaration stunned Vin, giving Mike an opportunity to explain, "I care for Kana deeply as a... friend, Vin. That's why I can't let him be with Sam. He is a dangerous man. He's not normal like you and me. He's a Chantaviriyavit."

Vin scoff, "That is the most bullshit statement I ever heard from you, Mike. Care for Kana as a friend? You and I both now that's not true. And what's all of this got to do with Sam's surname, Huh? Are you implying he's a demon because of that name? Are you even a saint yourself?"

Mike bit his own tongue at his ridiculous statement. Of course, he cares for Kana more as a friend. Vin knows that. The taller man is there whenever Mike meets Kana. Of course, as the young writer's best friend, Vin will root Kana's relationship with Sam. But the photographer also understands not many people know how much power and influence the actor's family is back in Thailand. No, in the world. Chantaviriyavit is only known to be an elite conglomerate family without any bad reputation in public eyes. However, their reputation is very different once you're inside the circle. They always perfectly cover their tracks.

He chose to ignore Vin's snarky remarks on his feelings for Kana, "His family have caused a lot of people to lose their lives, Vin. They are not that noble as people think. His family is caused countless people, including mine, to fall apart. His family is dangerous."

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