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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

Stranger, that's all I see
When I look into your eyes
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be
Stranger, who knows all my secrets
Can pull me apart and break my heart
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be

Jess Benko - A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be


The sky has begun to darken as a luxurious grey Bugatti and 2 black BMWs pulls over at the lobby driveway of a Mediterranean mansion in the elite village complex at the outskirt part of Bangkok, away from the noisy city area. The imposing 2 storeys cream-coloured building with symmetrical designs and 4 sturdy pillars stand tall, as multiple warm lights illuminate the mansion, adding a luxurious feel to the beautiful infrastructure that is second to none. Small winged babies holding vases that are pouring water decorate the top part of a fountain, located at the spacious front lawn, making it more grandeur and majestic.

A row of maids in black and white uniforms stand at the left side of the tall front door and a man in his 60s with a black suit and white pair of gloves stands at the edge of the line. On the right, stands 3 young men in white shirts, match with a pair of black slacks and vest. All of them stand orderly and begins to bow, once the adonis goes out from the car.

7 henchmen slash bodyguards and Jay, comes out from the 2 BMWs behind the Bugatti. All of the servants politely greets in unison to the young Chantaviriyavit, "Good evening, young master."

Sam nods and passes the car key to one of the young man that station on the right. He removes his suit jacket and passes it to one of the maids on the left as his onyx orbs look towards the old man, Somsak, the head butler of the house, "Welcome back to the main house, young master Sakda. the others are waiting for you in the dining room."

"Thank you, Somsak," the adonis mutters and goes into the massive building as his men follow behind him. Jay's mouth slightly gaping open as he goes further in, looking at the massive crystal chandelier on top of the spacious luxurious lobby. Even though he has been going in many times before, he still can't help but be mesmerised by how grand the mansion is. His admiring session is interrupted by the light nudge of Levi, who still stoically looking at him.

The group of henchmen and Jay stop in front of the dining room that is only separated from the hall by a big posh-looking arch, and stand neatly in line at the other side of the hall, leaving the adonis alone to go into the area. The onyx eyes linger to the figure of the old man, who is sitting at the head on the long 24-seater dining table set that is decorated with pure-gold carvings. The right side of the man is empty, a spot for Sam to sit on which is beside Som and opposite of Mongkut's new toy. The sitting arrangement makes the adonis thin lips slightly curving up as he leers his onyx orbs to the witch, who is sitting beside the much younger woman.

I told you that you are worthless. You old hag.

Sam keep his quiet and goes to sit on the empty spot as his cat-shaped eyes still mock Helen with his gaze. The old woman clenches her jaw. Then she let out a fake smile to her stepson, "How nice of you to finally show up and join this family dinner, dear. I've been missing that handsome face of yours."

Sam replies back, "Thank you... mother. How kind of you for finally missing me."

The older woman's eyes slightly widen as she tilts her head slightly, "Of course, my dear. You've been gone for so long for filming that series. I heard it's flopped," she sighs, "Too bad. I thought it'll succeed since you're the leading role."

Sam chuckles as his gaze moves to his own veiny hand that plays the edge of the napkin, "Well if it isn't because of someone dumbly interferes, it would've been successful. They've changed the plot and add unnecessary female character into the story." he lightly says, making the brunette beside him tenses up. The adonis then adds, "I heard an influential investor is the caused of it. That person must've not wanted their money back, isn't that right, mother?"

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