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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

Don't you know I'm no good for you?
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin'
But nothin' ever stops you leavin

Billie Eilish - When The Party's Over


The henchman goes out of the elevator and walks towards the wooden double-door of his master's penthouse. His hand carries a file from the reports of the subordinates regarding Charles' recent knowing activities. The grey-eyed man presses the doorbell once and not long after, a maid opened the door for him. Levi notices the maid looks a bit pale but said nothing of it and goes into the penthouse. He was about to ask for his master's presence when the maid beat him to it, "Sir Sakda is upstairs with Sir Kana. It seems we better not disturb them."

Levi nods and pivots his body to go out from the penthouse but the maid's hand that grab his elbow stop him, making him turn his gaze to the woman, "Wait! Mr Levi, may I ask for your help?"

The henchman doesn't say anything and just continue to gaze the maid. She indicates this as not a rejection and adds, "Sir Sakda told us to... uh... let Miss Solada out of his penthouse but any of us doesn't dare to do it. Could you help us?" she said and points to the said woman, who is sitting at one of the many sofas in the living room with her back facing the henchman. Her brunette hair is in dishevelled, contradict with her elegant posture.

The grey-eyed man let out a small sigh and nods to the maid. He turns back his body and goes towards Som. Once he's standing beside the actress, he politely nods, "Good evening, Miss Solada. May I know why you're still here after Sir Sakda asked you to leave?"

The brunette moves her gaze to the latter, her brown orbs glisten as her cheeks are decorated by multiple dark unstraight lines. One of the cheeks is also red and swollen. Levi's grey eyes go slightly wide as his body slightly moves back, a bit startled looking at Som's condition. What the hell is that dark thing on her cheeks? Is this a new make-up trend? Doesn't look good in his opinion.

The actress bitterly laughs, "You and your master are the totally the same. So cold-hearted." she sniffles and attempted to wipe the lines. Then the brown orbs let out tears as she softly sighs while diverting her attention back to the night view of London, "It seems all of you Chantaviriyavits' are indeed devil incarnates. He doesn't see me as a woman." then she bitterly laugh, "Or even as a human at all."

That statement softens the henchman's heart, making him begins to pays attention more to the crying woman. He silently goes back to the kitchen area and place the file to the counter. He goes towards the fridge and takes out the readied ice pack, comes back to the living room area and kneels on one knee in front of her. The henchman quietly tucks in the brunette strands that cover her left side and gently put the ice pack on the swollen cheek. Som's beautiful glassy eyes go wide as her heart starts to gain its pace, surprised at the sudden gentle gestures from the usually stoic man. 

She carefully observes the silent man in front of her, letting her orbs roam wildly to the handsome face of the man. Her eyes movement makes the cold grey ones gazes back at her. Som's perfect-shaped eyebrows furrow as she unconsciously mutters, "Are you really Levi?"

That ridiculous question raises one of the henchman's eyebrows, "Then who should I be?"

Som's slender body jolt in surprise, not expecting the usually silent man to answer back. She can feel her cheeks reddening because of the stupid question that she let out earlier. Som's admit, that she tends to speak without thinking, resulting her to always give odd questions to people.

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