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Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Strong Language and Murder). You have been warned.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


Kana starts to regain his consciousness as he feels his body being carried on someone's wide shoulder. He can feel the blood rushing to his head, indicating him that he's currently upside down. The doe-eyes starts to open as the thick eyebrows furrows, trying to get rid of the dizziness that invades his head. His mind starts to run, making him remembered the last scene before everything went black. He suddenly remembers the pair of lifeless eyes, that directly looking to him. The bloodied scene with bodies on top of each other. Levi with guns pointed at the latter as the grey eyes look back at him.

As his brain still processing what had happened, suddenly, he got thrown to the hard ground. The hard force made him yelp and lay down on his stomach at the concrete floor. He tries to move his hands, then realizes his wrists and ankles are being tied up tightly with thick ropes. The younger let out a loud gasp and starts to look around in panic as the wet doe eyes go wide, knowing he's in dangerous situation. Several unfamiliar men in black suits are now surrounding him, looking down to him with their intimidating gazes. Then his breath hitches, seeing one familiar figure with a grey suit that he has seen once 8 years ago, standing in front of him. The old man in his 60s oozes a domineering aura, instantly scaring the younger with the heavy atmosphere. The old man kneels down, observing the younger with his onyx eyes, "The temptress has grown well I see. A little too thin, but also too beautiful for a man. No wonder my son is so enchanted by you."

Kana can feel the panic skyrocket, forbidding his mind to think clearly. He let out a whimper as he desperately crawls backwards, feeling afraid at his surrounding. Then his attempt is stopped as his back is hit to a pair of sturdy legs that belongs to the man that brought him here, who is now currently standing behind him. The younger didn't dare to look behind him as the doe eyes keep on leaking tears. Instead, he fixes his gaze towards the old man in front of him. Mongkut chuckles, "Feeling scared now, aren't you? Then why did you take his hand from the start? I clearly told you the consequences if you ever go near my son again." then the old man hums, "But then again, you're a perfect bait for my son to man up. So I'll give you credit for that."

Then loud voices of men shouting can be heard, making the old man stands up and turns his head to the lower ground, that can be seen from the 2nd-floor landing where they currently are. Mongkut presses his index finger to his own lips, telling Kana to keep quiet. He then smiles in delight and mutters to the younger that is still sitting on the ground under him, "The show is already starting. Come, let's see."

Then a big muscular man that was standing behind the younger roughly lift him up by the elbow and grip his jaw with the gloved hand, forcing him to look to the scene on the lower ground. The other hand goes to his waist, forcing him to stand in the same place as his thin body is pressed to the muscular figure. Kana starts to thrash around, trying to free himself from the strong grip, "NO! LET ME-"

His resisting is interrupted by the palm that once again, forcing him to look down to the first floor. The doe-eyes widen, finally seeing his lover pressing the nuzzle of a gun towards a man that he has now realized as his adoptive father. Kana hears the taunts that Charles throws to Sam, along with a sinister laugh that frightening, "GO ON! SHOOT!" then they exchange words that he wasn't able to hear.

"Isn't he perfect? He's willing to kill because of his own wrath that is triggered by you. This is the true blood of Chantaviriyavit. The most perfect one in the family." Mongkut says proudly beside the trembling Kana. Then he turns to look at the younger, "And you," he clicks his tongue as he looks at the younger who is now crying, "I heard you're even scared of horror or thriller movies."

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