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Please do feel free to correct my writings :)


He must be crazy. Really crazy.

Kai keeps on tossing and turning all night with his mind keeps on regretting the slip of the heart has done. He let the hidden emotion flows out for a snippet of time, and that alone made him kiss a fucking teenager.

A teenager. The age where they should've to feel love for the first time with people around the same age, the ones who still are as pure as a curious mind can be. And Kai dared to press his thin lips on the adolescent's chestnut lips.

Oh no, oh no. What do I do? We're going to work together today. How should I act? Do I Pretend that it didn't happen?

He starts to regret his way of impulsive thinking as it's one of his weaknesses. Act without thinking is the perfect definition for Kai. Luckily he has someone like Bright at his side. If not, who knows what unimaginable things will happen if he doesn't have a rational friend such as Bright? I should cherish Bright more. Thank you my brother from another mother, as he mentally hugs his best friend. He then pats his own back, good job to me for befriending him.

Then Kai suddenly remembers again the stupid action he did last night. The beautiful yet short memory of kissing a boy underneath the warm street light. The thought makes him groan loudly at his stupidity. He can't seem to stop thinking of how soft Eden's lips are on him or how sweet the taste Eden's breath is. Or how slender and fit the boy's waist felt on his arms.

Kai vigorously rubs his hands to his face to try to erase the memory from both his eyes, brain, and heart is possible. But truthfully, even though his brain sure regrets it, somehow it makes his heart at peace. He doesn't understand why.

"What did you do to me, Eden? Why can't I seem to stop falling?" Kai sigh as he looks at his bedroom's ceiling in wonder.

Kai then grabs his phone on the nightstand and quickly dials a number. After a few short rings, the other line answers, "Jesus, can you call at the normal time? It's 2 am!" Bright grumbles in a groggy voice, "Seriously, I'm gonna kill you when you get back here. I'm gonna stab a wooden stick in your heart because apparently, you're a vampire that never sleeps at night. A nocturnal being."

Kai let out a laugh at his best friend, "I thought you told me you're available 24/7?"

Bright let out a groan, "I take my words back. I'm not McDonald's." Then there's shuffling at the other line, indicating that Bright's getting out of his bed. "So, what's up?"

"I kissed him," Kai reply shortly.

And the line goes silent.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore." Bright flatly says as the remnants of sleep is completely gone from his voice, "I told you to stay away. But, you DO THE OPPOSITE!!!!" Bright yells at the phone, causing surprised Kai to abruptly push away the phone from his ear, "JEEZ! CAN YOU CALM YOUR LIBIDO JUST FOR A MONTH??!! YOU'LL GET PLENTY OF SEX WHEN YOU RETURN!!!" Bright shouts at him.

Yep, Bright's angry. He is definitely angry.

You see, Bright is a very patient person. Really. He's someone who's very lenient and able to tolerate other people's odd behaviours or rudeness easily. A very chill person. This has been proven many times in their friendship which lasted more than 10 years. You can't be friends with Kai if you're not patient enough as the young master atter is a very impulsive and selfish person. Kai often didn't think thoroughly when he wants to do something. So having Bright willingly stay by his side this entire time is actually a miracle for Kai.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now