
362 33 16

Author's note: Please don't kill me.


Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Strong Language, homophobia, and violence). You have been warned.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

I'm afraid of all I am
My mind feels like a foreign land
Silence ringing inside my head
Please, carry me, carry me, carry me home

Duncan Laurence - Arcade


She should've realized it, the moment she laid eyes to that sweater that looks so big on him, those purplish little marks on his neck. All the signs were there, the details were screaming to her and Som chose to ignore it.

She couldn't believe it. The man who is supposed to be the love of her life chose a... man over her?

Please tell me this is a joke. Just an awful excuse for Sakda to avoid me. Please, somebody, tell me this is not true.

Do you really need to stoop this low to shame me, Sakda?

The adonis's eyes harden as his thick brows furrow in annoyance. His jaw clenches as he pulls away from the tenses dandelion, "What are you doing here? Who gave you permission to go in?"

Without even hearing Som's answer, Sam turns around and shouts towards the back of the house. The baritone voice of his roars inside the spacious penthouse, "ALL MAIDS COME HERE THIS INSTANT!"

7 women in maid uniform hurriedly come into the kitchen, some already sniffling as their eyes wet in tears. The older squint his eyes, making it sharper than usual. The cold and scary baritone voice of his cut the gripping silence, "Which any of you dare to let her in? HUH?! WHO LET HER IN?!" He angrily points to the brunette who is now rooted to the ground. The neck vessels of the older protruding as his pale skin slowly redden due to anger. The once God-like adonis turns into a handsome devil in an instant, "WHY THE SILENCE?! ARE YOU ALL MUTE?!"

Some of the maids squeak and all of them now silently sobs while trembling in fear. Small whispers can be heard from the women, accusing each other and praying for their lives. Sam let out a chilling laugh, "Now you're afraid? One of you were so brave earlier to let her in. HOW DARE YOU ALLOW HER IN?! WHICH OF YOU DID IT?! SPEAK!"

The younger can feel intense fear inside the room. He quietly bites his trembling lower lip, seeing the muscular back of the older tensing up, looking bigger than usual. Imagine what the maids feel, facing the wrath of the adonis. He can feel the domineering aura mixes with anger swirling around the latter. Kana stealthily gets up and gently place his hand to the older's bicep. He tries to pull the latter attention away from the poor maids, "Sam, please calm down. You're scaring them. Let's talk-"

His words got cut by a harsh pull on his hair and sudden pain on his cheek. The stumbling and hard force make him fall hard to the ground. The dandelion moans in pain because of his ankle got accidentally bent, making it throb painfully. The pain on his cheek blurred his vision, making his eyes blink many times to clear up the image.

Som quickly pulls the younger's hair and slaps the reddening cheek once again with the same force while making sure her manicured nails scratch the surface.

The harsh treatment successfully risen Sam's anger, "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" he shoves the actress with a strong force, making her fall to the ground and moaning in pain.

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