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Author's Note: I don't know how a wedding ceremony is in Thailand nor how the usual ones work in general. Forgive me if there are any mistakes or errors that I do on this scene. I tried to make it as generic as possible as to not offend any religion or countries. Please understand :)


Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Violence and attempted suicide/murder). You have been warned.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

I don't know whether to cry or laugh
I'm just nodding my head
I think this story is like mine
You crying in that screen
It's all like my heart
My eyes are red

Epik High - Based On A True Story ft. HEIZE (English Translation)


Dawn begins to take over the day as a thin figure sits on the bed and face the opened balcony. The doe-eyes look blankly towards the dark sky as the breeze that seeps into the room gently blow the silky raven-hair that slightly cover his ethereal feature. The thin body lightly sways, as a faint tune of the foreign music that he loves travels to his sense of hearing. He begins to hum, following the melody of the song that he has put on loop. His mind keeps on travelling to the most beautiful memories in his life that last for almost 5 months.

The warm and gentle voice of the dandelion successfully made the love song sounds more sombre, due to the dejected feeling that rest in his heart. His sorrowful melodic voice successfully turns the song that supposed to make your life in pink when you hear it, turns dark, into the deepest shade of blue. The brown orbs have lost their spark as he continues to hum the foreign music with all the remaining piece of him. He never felt whole, since his daisy decides to leave him.

He never felt alive as time keeps on ticking, leaving the stagnant him behind. He keeps on rooted to the same spot as the daisy kept on moving forward.

The dandelion can only hum but never speak. His thin body is alive, but the soul has already gone. He's only an empty shell, that continues living in his warm world. The world of his is so warm and delicate, but too hard to his fragile heart. The surrounding of his is so soft and subtle, but too rough for his bleeding heart.

The doe-eyes continues to gaze outside towards the clear sky that is free from the usual abundant clouds, indicating to him that it'll be a bright and sunny day today.

There's no rain. No element of you, Sam.




The adonis stands in front of the wide mirror while fixing his tuxedo. The onyx orbs look sharply to his own reflection as the overwhelming wrath hidden inside the dark pearl. He looks dashing as if he really creates into perfection. The adonis looks like a divine being, the ideal look on this eventful day. The expensive tailored suit fit him to make him look so perfect, to the point no one will realize the gun that he hid behind the garment. The handsome feature of his hardens, trying to suppress the devil that stay inside him since the day they rip the dandelion of him, replacing the gaping hole that once occupied by his heart.

Not now. I will unleash you after this. Be patient. Creating a purgatory in this world is an easy thing to do. No one will survive. I will bring everyone that hurt him with me, dragging all of them to hell with me. A taste of heaven before sanctification is a must after all.

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