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Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Description of violence and Sexual assault). You have been warned.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

Ego has incited me to return to you
The war didn't bring me to say away

Dialog Senja - Lara (English Translation)


The sky has turned visibly darker as Levi slowly walks out from Lewis's residence at the outskirt part of Munich, Germany. He turns and takes a look at the now messy state of the house. The cold breeze of the weather circulating inside the space through the broken windows and open doors. Shattered glasses and broken pieces of furniture are littered on both inside and outside part of the house.

Levi's jaw's clenches, making the blood sliding down to his neck. His handsome face is tainted by splattered red liquid that came from the Lewis old couple. His grey orbs gaze down and begin to pay attention to the broken frame that had previously got thrown to the front porch. There, he sees a yellowed picture of a red-haired boy holding a metal bat in his small hands.

He can hear the wails of the old woman echoes inside the house, earning his attention away from the picture. He moves his gaze to the source, to a crying woman with fiery long hair who is now trying to hide her bruised half-naked body. Her hand covers her mouth, trying to stop the blood from pouring any further. She slowly crawls towards her unconscious husband, desperately calling his name.

The said man's mouth leaks the same liquid as his head is covered by the redness, wetting his salt and pepper hair. The injury is from a blunt object the henchman inflicted earlier with the same metallic bat as the old picture. Levi's gloved right hand still held the said object as the other held the tongues of the couple. He throws away the organs on the front yard, reddening the remaining of pure snow with their blood. He turns his gaze back to one of the subordinates and hands the bat to him, "Tamper it."

The man nods and goes towards the van, obliging his superior's order. Levi takes out his handkerchief and begins to wipe his face and gloves, tainting the fabric with the blood. He then neatly fold it and place it back to his pocket. The henchman takes out his phone and dials Sam's number. The other lines answers immediately. Levi starts the conversation, "Sir, Charles had left the country."




Sam clenches his jaw, "Are you sure?"

The other line answers, "Yes sir. The family members said that Charles left the Lewis Residence a few days ago with a plane and train tickets in hand. The airport confirmed that the man has taken flight from Ausburg to Heathrow, and the Hatton Cross Station also confirmed that the man proceeded to take the train towards Lincoln that is scheduled this morning. It seems he planned to meet Reiko."

Sam sighs, "Proceed to go as planned and told the others to wait for another instruction. As for you, take the earliest flight and go back to London immediately."

"Yes sir. I apologize for the tardiness. " Levi answers with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Sam hums, "It's alright. I understand, Levi. You've done your best as always."

"Thank you, sir."

The older smile and hums again then cut the line, puts back the phone to his pants pocket. His onyx orbs turn to look at his dandelion who sits inside the dining room. The younger seems to be in a trance as his eyes never leave the food in front of him and the beautiful chesnut lips show a little frown. His dainty left-hand start to fidget as its grip tighten around the fork, paling the slender digits because of the pressure.

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