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Sex scene ahead!

You accept everything that I am, you accept me regardless of how I was
From a meaningless thing, a heart was born inside of me that loves only you
I know how lucky I am

Klear - สิ่งของ [Thing] (English Translation)


The dim-lit small bedroom is getting warmer as two naked bodies share their body heat to each other. The sensual voice echoes throughout the small space as the adonis constantly teasing the source of the erotic sound. Sam keeps on showering his dandelion that is now straddling him, with the trail of kisses on his beautiful throat. Kana lift his head, looking up above, allowing Sam to worship his ethereal beauty with his thin lips, biting, sucking, scraping his teeth, leaving red marks on the tanned surface.

Sam's one hand keeps on groping the younger's cheek as the other hand stroking both of their members together, enveloping both of them with his big palm. Kana moans as he leans down while wrapping his slender arms to the older's sturdy neck. His erotic voice is now muffled by Sam's mouth, allowing the adonis invade the small space with dominance, letting their tongue dance inside his mouth. The younger let out a small gasp as he feels the older's lubed fingers stroking his entrance, wetting the sensitive spot and making it more tender. Kana can't help but whimper at the sensation, making his body tremble because of the pleasure. His already cloud mind is only registering Sam's touch as his dainty fingers desperately holding onto Sam's biceps, making it redden because of the pressure.

The younger's fingers slowly stroke the pale skin, leaving trails of shivers to the surface as his hands to go towards the older brown hair. He tangles his digits to the locks, pulling it slightly and resulting in the older groan in pleasure. A finger goes into Kana's entrance and starts stroking his inner walls, making the owner let out a series of small whimpers, enjoying the touch. Kana starts to stop kneading the older's lips, distracted by how skilful Sam is pleasuring his lower part. He let out moans as their lips keep on brushing each other. Kana keeps on choking on his own breath as Sam keeps on fingering him, adding another two fingers as he goes, making sure to reach as deep as possible. Tears of pleasure pour from his doe eyes, accompanied by whines and shudders.

Once he's loose enough, Sam lifts the younger up slightly and position the rim to his erected rod, ready to impale Kana with his member. The older slowly push the younger's hip as he groans, feeling the tightness of Kana's hole, "Baby, you're so tight."

Kana let out a long and soft whimper as he slowly descending, letting Sam's cock to penetrate him deeper. Kana chokes as he feels the slight pain of being stretched by the thick member. He tightly closes his eyes, bearing the pain as he sinking down, accepting the hurt as well as the pleasure. He finally let out a loud exhale as he tightly wraps his arms to the older's neck, letting out small pleasure sobs and whimpers.

Sam stays still, letting the younger get used to the familiar pain and relax. He litters adoration kisses to Kana's shoulder, tainting it more with his marks. He can feel the younger's clawing on his back, holding on desperately to him. He for sure will need the make-up team to cover his back tomorrow for his topless scene. But that is the least matter in his head right now. Because he can't control his desire to devour his alluring dandelion, swallowing all of the sweet and bitter taste of him. Sam is desperate to relieve his thirst, desperate to hear all the melodic and erotic voices from his safe haven.

Kana gasps as he feels the older's cock getting bigger inside of him. He starts to let out soft moans as he feels Sam starts to move his hip in circling motion, teasing his prostate with the slow movement. Kana replies by straightening up his body and firmly hold the older by the shoulder. He starts to slowly bounce on top of the latter's lap, pulling in and out from the stiff rod while moaning loudly. He can fill his own member painfully swollen, leaking precum as the tip keeps on grazing the older's abs. Sam press the younger's body closer to him, tasting the sex sweat as he sucks and bites the younger's chest. He goes to the younger's nipple, gently biting and sucking the bud, making it slightly red. He gently pulls the bud with his teeth, making Kana arch his back as he whines, "Stop do-Ah! Doing th-Ah-That!" he complains as he feels a slight pain from the teasing.

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