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Please do feel free to correct my writings :)


A month had passed and it was time for Kai to return and become Sam Sakda Chantaviriyavit, someone that people recognize as the sole heir of CJH Empire, owned by the old bloodline of a conglomerate of his family. He is a man who is unreachable with his God-Like features and domineering aura. The man who appears in magazines, with his seductive cat-shaped eyes and high cheekbones.

But the said person doesn't really want to return to his glorious version of himself. Instead, the dominant man clings to the shoulder of his favourite person while sulking, "I don't want to go back~" Kai pouts while leaning towards the skinny boy.

"Hey! Don't lean on me! Do you not realize how big you are compared to me? I can't support you." Eden nags as he's feeling annoyed by the older's clinginess.

"But I don't want to leave you. I will miss you." Kai pouts again.

Eden let out a sigh as he watches his big baby sulking oh so adorably, "Don't be stupid. You need to go. And what about your school? I don't want a stupid boyfriend in the future."

Kai almost breaks his neck hearing Eden's reply, "Oh? Did I just get an upgrade and become a suitor?" He smiles broadly at the younger boy before gently holding Eden's jaw to bring the doe eyes to look at him, "I will hold your words on that." the older utters.

With Eden's cheeks turning crimson, Kai leans even closer and kisses the meaty part, surprising the boy with the sudden act of affection.

Leaning back, Kai cheekily smiles with a word of reply, "Reward."

Eden regains his composure and lets out a chuckle as he pries off Kai's arm, "You cheesy. Come on, let's get back to work." as he walks away, leaving the older guy who's now grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Yes, honey." Kai teases as the younger playfully curses back at him.




Kai returns to his busy life consist of homework and projects. He also starts to do his modelling work for different brands and earns quite a sum of money. Kai donates a few of his earnings towards the orphanage while not forgetting to send books as well for Eden.

At first, he wants to send all of his earnings to the orphanage but Eden forbids him to be an idiot and make a ridiculous reason to him such as 'save up and prepare for dowry'.  Kai knows it's just an excuse, probably the boy thought he needed the money more than the others that are less fortunate.

Well, it's no surprise since Eden really has no idea how rich Kai actually is. The modelling salary for Kai honestly feels like just pocket money to buy candy.

Kai also slowly cuts his habit of partying and replace the time with more productive activities, which are mostly his modelling schedules and studying. Balancing both of them is easy as well since Kai has the privilege of choosing gigs whenever at a convenient time. With Chantaviriyavit backing him up, it's quite easy for him to have more power to control his needs. Climbing the ladder of fame is much easier for someone as influential as himself.

As Kai waits for the team from photographer to set up the studio, he starts to feel bored inside the makeup room. Because of his name as well, people often try to distance themselves as they feel the unsettling dominant aura from such a glorious man. The nobility aura Kai let out gives a gap between him and the people he calls as 'peasants'.

But in time like this as well is a perfect time to call Eden and tease the latter until frustrated and hung up. The thought makes him giggle to himself as he quickly takes out his phone and search for Eden's number.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now