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Sex scene ahead,

Author's note: I apologize if it's not up to your expectation as it's my first time writing this kind of scene. Hope you enjoy :)

Please do feel free to correct my writings :)



I pull my boxers back on as I finished preparing myself. And as I caught my reflection in the mirror, I slowly walks towards it to look at myself more properly. The sight of me, with eyes full of determination of wanting to get better.

I... need to be brave. I need to take the leap... as fast as possible. Before everything is too late.

I can't back down now, not when I now have someone who can help to fix me.

I know that it's risky, to have my first time while still being a defect. But... I want to move forward as fast as I can. I... need to heal myself. I... it can be my only chance.

Taking a deep breath, I continue to linger my gaze to my own reflection for a little more time. Then I turn back and gets out of the bathroom. Immediately, I sees Sam pacing around the room while bating his own lower lip. He doesn't seem to notice my present and just busily mutter to himself.

"Is it okay? Is this the right thing to do? I want to do it but what if it's not the right thing to do? Oh my God, what do I do?" he continues to mutter with nervous gaze looking down at his own striding feet.

My heart tighten when seeing his truggle with the heavy decision. I know he's hesitant because he's minding about me, trying to not hurt me. But at the same time, if I don't do it, I'm afraid that I will never be brave enough to move forward. I will never feel complete.

I'm... really sorry for using you like this, Sam. But you're the only one who can help me to face my fears.

"I'm ready." My voice comes out gently as to not startle him, but it seems it gives that said effect because he immediately gasps and stops pacing. I slowly approach the now-rooted Sam, as he looks at me in concern, confused, but with dreamy dazed eyes. My lips let out a reassuring smile as I close the distance between our lips, only leaving a few centimetres apart, "Are you?"

I can see Sam's inner struggles start again. His onyx orbs become hard, then changes to fluttering, and eventually soften as he continues to look at me. I lean even closer and lightly stroke my lips on his, teasing with my breath and small touch as I whisper, "Can you promise to not stop even if I ask you?"

Sam's body suddenly tenses and immediately shakes his head, "No, Kana. I don't want to hurt you. Isn't this your first time? I can't-"

"Please, Sam." I cut his doubt as I stop his rejection, placing my hands on his cheek, "Help me to be better. I want you to fix me."

Then I gently peck his lips, Sam shivers at my slight touch, "Daisy, be endear and free me."

My desperate plea seems to fade away the doubt as his eyes begin to show another emotion. Lust. I can feel his rational mind breaking apart the longer I tease his lips with mine. At first, he doesn't reply back, but slowly, his lips begin to move as his hands start to roam inside my shirt.

My skin feels like it's on fire everywhere his fingers touch. It causes the desire to pour every last bit of me into him to finally burst out. My resting hands begin to move, tracing the toned muscles of his shoulders as they go down to feel every dent and curve of his solid chest and abs.

My touch earns a groan from him before he bit my lips to silently ask for access. Subconsciously, I let him by parting mine as his tongue begins to explore my mouth, tracing my cavity before inviting my tongue for a dance. He slowly dominates the kiss as I once again, willingly succumbs to his demand.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now