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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


A month passed in a blink. Kana spends the afternoon looking for a place to eat since he just came from the publisher this morning to talk about the release schedule of his new book. After browsing a little bit further, Kana then stops at one restaurant with a vintage-looking interior. He tilts his head in thinking while scanning the menu on the board, deciding on what he wants to order. After certain, the young writer then goes in and picks a table beside the window.

Kana slowly pays attention to the interior of the restaurant. The attic is filled with clutters of vintage cans with old pots and pans dangling on the ceiling. Pictures of famous people hang on their walls. The rustic wooden tables and chairs are made with mahogany wood. 

They got nice decor, Kana thinks while appreciating the rustic and vintage interior. After enjoying the environment, Kana waves at the waiter and places his order, which is a cup of warm chamomile tea and a plate of club sandwiches. While waiting Kana takes notes and draws a bit about the interior of the cafe as he found interesting things that can be added to his book. Once he's content with the notes, Kana puts them back to bring out a book to read as he waits for his order.

When the order arrives, Kana will slowly eat his food without looking away from the book. Sometimes, he's too immersed that he forgot to take a bite, causing his lunchtime to stretch and takes longer to finish. It has been his habit and struggle, eating is one of his least favourite thing to do.

After almost 2 hours of slowly munching and leaving half of the sandwich and untouched fries, Kana waves at the waiter for the bill. But oddly, the waiter that he called briefly goes back into the kitchen before coming out with a slice of cheesecake on the tray he held.

As soon as the waiter puts the desert in front of him,  Kana informs, "I'm sorry but I didn't order this.

The waiter then politely smiles at him, "A gentleman placed this order for you, sir." he replies before walking away.

The confused Kana looks around the restaurant, trying to find the one who gave him the cake. Usually, the giver will directly be looking at him. But, no one seems to look or pay attention to him. 

Huh, weird. Kana think and decides to just shrug while taking a bite of the cheesecake. Guess today is his lucky day as he gets to enjoy a free dessert from an unknown someone.

Little did he know that the giver had actually been looking back at him at the outside seating in a much-secluded area, with a cold pair of onyx eyes and thin lips that are frowning, showing a displease look to particularly no one.




After the hearty lunch and the free dessert, Kana feels stuffed. His small stomach couldn't handle that much food. So he decides to just continue walking aimlessly in hopes the stuffy feeling in his stomach will go away with a little bit of exercise.

In the middle of his aimless walking, an old woman suddenly approaches and stops him out of the blue. With a friendly smile, she then gave a single flower of a white daisy before walking away without any words. The random act causes Kana to be confused.

Wh... what's just happened? That is so random... He thinks and moves his attention to the single flower in his hand. The longer he gazes at it, the warm endearing feeling of the personal meaning behind it touches him. It causes a smile to appear on his face as his fingertips touch the petals oh so delicately.

This is why it's so hard to forget about you. You're literally everywhere no matter where I am.

Kana fondly look at the flower as he continues his aimless walking. Along the way, he takes out the notebook from his pocket and places the daisy inside of it. along the way, Kana recognizes the road that he usually takes to go to one of his favourite spots. So, without a second thought, he decides to go there.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now