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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


As if the cloudy sky suddenly turns into a bright blue one in Sam's eyes, the gloomy weather feels sunny for him for some known reason. Sam smiles widely at it before uttering his mind, "Hmm, what a nice day today."

The humidity and cold air of London don't affect the warm and fuzzy feeling that Sam currently feels. His heart continues to feel the warmth as if it's being hugged tightly after now Kana has agreed to try for another chance. Finally, Sam has a chance to be inside his safe haven once again.

At first, Sam thought it will be harder and Kana will keep on rejecting his approach. But to his surprise, the boy accepts and willingly stands beside him with only a little persuasion. It's odd, but Sam doesn't want to mind it afraid that he might screw this chance up. What matter is, the dandelion is willing to be held once again.

That's what matters. Because now, after all these years, Sam is finally able to breathe easier.

Sam takes a folded paper tissue out of his pocket before opening it. On the surface, reveals a phone number that Kana wrote for him earlier. After admiring it for a little longer than neccessary, Sam saves it on his phone and puts the tissue back in his pocket. He then takes another pause to admire the contact and reads the ID with a wide smile.

Safe Haven

After feeling content with it, Sam decides to send a text message, informing the other to save his number and not skip meals too often. Pressing the sent button, Sam gets reminded of how the lunch goes earlier. It took more than an hour for Kana to end up not finishing more than a quarter of the pasta. It's concerning, but the feeling at least subdivided after Sam ordered desserts and found out Kana has a sweet tooth.

A short tone from the phone breaks Sam's train of thought as he looks down and sees Kana's reply.

Yes. Thank you for the meal today. don't forget to eat too later. See you soon.
-Safe Haven

Despite the short, Sam still feels happy to receive it. He then dials another number and puts the phone to his ear while waiting for the other line to pick up. Once it does, a low voice of a man answers with the signature greeting,


"Mike," Sam greets and chuckles a little from the greeting, "I'm bored. Accompany me."

Mike at the other line clicks his tongue playfully, "Oh, dude. Not even asking how am I doing, how're your parents, or am I busy or not--"

"You're not?" Sam cuts, a little surprises since his I'm-always-free friend of his turns out to be busy, "You're busy?"

The question gets another click of a tongue by Mike, "Why are you surprised that I'm busy? Do I look that free to you?"

"Compare to me, yes," Sam replies as the other line laughs at the answer.

"Okay, you got me. I'm free actually. It's just that... I'm looking for someone," Mike says as his voice turns serious at the end.

Mike's statement piques Sam's interest. From what he knows, Sam never paid attention to any human before. "Oh? Why are you looking for this person? Do you like her? What's her name?"

Mike snickers, "It's a he. And I don't get a chance to ask for his name. He just runs away from me the last time we met." He whines before continuing, "But one thing is for sure, he had a breathtaking smile and can easily be captured by my camera. You can say he's my muse. Too bad I don't see him. I've waited at the cafe where I last met him but he's not here."

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now