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Please do feel free to correct my writings :)


Images of Eden underneath the tree keep on replaying in Kai's mind. He can still remember the feeling of the breeze on his skin, the soothing sound of the wind in his ears, and the delicate smile of Eden with the pair of doe eyes fluttering open.

And Eden's soft voice follows, haunting Kai's heart with a feeling,

"La Vie En Rose."

Kai groans and turns around, pushing his face onto the pillow for trying to prevent any voice for coming out. After a while, Kai turns a little to glance at the digital clock on the bedside table.

1.14 am.

Kai silently curses for the absence of drowsiness. He then grabs the phone beside it while mentally thanking Gramp to allow using it at night.

Laying on his back, Kai dials a number before placing the phone on his ear. The receiver at the other end picks up faster than expected but the first thing the latter said is a curse,

"The fuck?! It's 1 am dude!" a male voice replies, clearly annoyed by Kai calling in the middle of the night.

But Kai dismissed the rude remarks and just utters whatever it is in his mind while looking up at the dark ceiling of his bedroom, "I'm in deep shit, Bright."

Bright's drowsiness quickly evaporates, replaces by a slight panic, "What's wrong? Where are you? What happened?"

But Kai doesn't answer immediately. He takes the time to contemplate whether to tell his best friend or not. It is morally wrong, but Kai really needs to tell at least one living soul about it. The guilt of discovering this newly profound feeling haunts him. Kai let out a sigh while sharing, "I like someone."

The other line goes silent and Kai patiently waits for the other to reply, in hopes the best friend can understand his internal struggle. But instead, the latter replies, "You called me in the middle of the night just for that? Really, Sam?" Bright's voice pitches up, getting mad at Kai.

"Please hear me out, I can't bottle it up anymore. It stresses me out." Kai nervously says.

Bright seems to notice the nervousness so it must be a serious one, "So? What's wrong about it?"

"It's a boy."

"...You're bi."

"He's beautiful"

"Are you bragging?"

"He's 14."

The line went silent.

"SHIIIIIIIIT!! CRAZY MOTHERUCKER!! I know you're a playboy, but I never thought you'll also prey on teenagers! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Bright shouts, "How far?? How much did you do??? Wh--"

"I haven't do anything. Chill. I just want to share it with someone. If not, I might go crazy thinking about it." Kai replies in a little bit of wary, clearly shaken by his own thoughts.

For once, Kai feels fear. Afraid that his own desire of claiming someone who he isn't supposed to have. It is morally wrong and highly inappropriate to think of an underage boy in this way.

"So... you're saying... you like this boy... Right?"

Kai sighs again as he senses his best friend's worried voice on the phone, "Yeah." He replies in short.

"You know it's.... not right... Right?" Bright carefully says.

"Yeah, I know what you mean Bright. But really, I was mesmerized. He looks so innocent, so beautiful, it's-"

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now